What are the benefits of signing up for a Living-Learning Community?
Students in LLCs have a chance to live in a community with peers who share an interest or passion and connect with faculty and staff members who can help you transition through ETSU. Research has shown that students who participate in LLCs build a strong connection to the institution and succeed as students.
Is there an additional cost to participate in a LLC?
The Pre-Health Living-Learning Community charges an additional $100.00 to participants; this money is used to support additional programs and initiatives for residents in the community. Our other LLCs do not charge a fee to participate.
What do I need to do to sign up for an LLC?
First, please complete your Housing Application and then complete the separate LLC application. Those individuals who are interested in the PHLLC should complete the PHLLC application.
When will I know if I have been selected to live in a Living-Learning Community?
Applications for LLCs will be reviewed starting in February and will continue until all spots are filled. You will find out the status of your application via your ETSU email account (so be sure to check this regularly!)
The LLC that I am most-interested in is not located in the residence hall I selected as my first choice on my housing application. What should I do?
All applicants who are chosen (and accept) their spot in an LLC will automatically be assigned to a space in that LLC, regardless of what information may have been noted on their Housing application. If you are selected for an LLC, you will have a room in that community.
I know someone that I would like to live with next year. Can we still be roommates even if only one of us is in the LLC?
Our LLC spaces are reserved for students who are selected to the community. If the person would like to live with is interested in participating in the LLC, they should complete an application for the community.
Who leads the Living-Learning Communities?
Community Coordinators are faculty and staff members at ETSU who coordinate activities
and events within the LLCs. In some communities, students will take classes with their
I have additional questions, who should I contact?
Please feel free to email us at liveandlearn@etsu.edu or call (423) 439-4446 with any additional questions.