Check-In/Check-Out, I.D Verification and Requirements
- When an examinee arrives, office staff will ask them for their ETSU ID.If the examinee does not have their ETSU ID, a proctor (GA or admin-employee) will ask for a valid (Picture, Signature, Expiration Date) government issued ID.
The identification name and picture are verified by staff and the student is checked into our appointment system (RegisterBlast).
The identification is then returned to the examinee and they are instructed to leave the ID, face-up, on their desk while they are testing—standard practice for high-stakes and national exams
Exam information for the appointment is verified with the examinee. Then the office worker checks the Testing Services calendar for Permitted materials (e.g. scratch paper, calculators, notes or textbooks and dictionaries).
Exam materials and seat assignment are then given to the examinee.
The examinee is then instructed of prohibited items: (e.g. hats, phones, watches, scarves, pens and mechanical pencils, and any other materials that are not instructor-permitted)
The examinee is then directed to silent all technology and store all of their personal belongings in a testing center provided locker.
The examinee then finds their assigned seat, logs into the computer and d2l and launches the lockdown-browser enabled exam.
- Examinee returns to front desk
- Scratch paper and other center-provided materials are collected
- ID is again checked and verified
- Examinee is checked out of the system and they return to the lockers, retrieve their effects, and exit the testing center
Proctoring Procedures
- 1 (of 2) proctors is required to be walking the testing floor (computer lab) at all times observing for behavior, for irregularities, for prohibited belongings, and for examinees in need of assistance
- Proctors walking the floor are also required to check the name on the student ID against the name on the lockdown-browser’s upper ribbon that displays the exam name, examinee name, and testing time allotted and remaining.
Irregularities, Techical Issues, and Question Challenges
An irregularity is any occurrence that falls outside normal testing operations
Any and all irregularities are documented on a CPR (center problem report) and scanned to the director. CPRs are then forwarded to the examinee’s instructor or relevant university administrator.
Egregious Irregularities:
Results in immediate dismissal from the testing center
Phone on examinee’s person and turned on
Cheating materials: (cheat sheet, other electronic devices, hidden camera, modified clothing or writing implement, writing on the examinee’s person, and any behavior or materiel that enables academic dishonesty.
Cheating materials, aside from phones and other electronics, are confiscated, photographed and included in the CPR
Willful disruption of testing activates: belligerence, loud and abusive behavior toward testing staff and/or other examinees
Minor irregularities:
CPR filed, problem handled on a case by case basis
Phone on examinee’s person but turned off: issue documented and forwarded to instructor. Examinee instructed to store their phone in a locker and resume testing.
Watch, hat, mechanical pencil or pen on examinee’s person: issue documented and forwarded to instructor. Examinee directed to store materials and resume testing.
Technical irregularities:
results in CPR filing and instructor notification
D2L, internet, or power outage
Campus lockdown, evacuation, or other emergency
Problem with student account/log-in
Question challenges or exam-item error notification by examinee