Open Teaching Week
Come observe some of your high-impact instructor-colleagues teaching in their native habitat!
Watch for how innovative, active learning happens in various teaching contexts. Get inspired in big and small ways!
Open Teaching Week is an opportunity to go visit classes on campus where the instructors have agreed to host visitors. You can find a class that fits your schedule, go watch some great teaching, and pick up an idea or two. Many of our volunteer instructors are also open to follow-up questions!
For Spring 2025, our Open Teaching Week will be
February 17-21.
How it works: Find class visitation options below. For most (with a few exceptions), you are welcome to just drop in without registration.
However, if you elect to register, it will become a deeper learning event for you, as we'll invite you to complete a short but meaningful reflection on what you observed. This reflection, coupled with your observation time, will give you credit in our CTE accounting system.*
For in-person classes, an observation period of 45-60 minutes is ideal. For classes that go over an hour, you need not stay the full time - but please slip out as quietly and unobtrusively as possible.
NEW: We now offer online class observation options, as well. Watch a video "class tour" created by the course instructor to view how their course is organized and how innovative online activities are included. Registration for these observations will get you the video link and reflection form.
CTE Credit for Observation
- For in-person classes: 1.5 hours of CTE credit
- For online classes: 1 hour of CTE credit
We must receive your completed reflection form for credit.
See options below; registration is optional but strongly encouraged!
Spring 2025
In-Person Class Details & Registration Buttons
CHEM 1030, Introductory Chemistry Survey
Instructor: Brittany Butler
Tuesday/Thursday, 10:10 - 11:30 am; Brown Hall, Room 261
In this class, you might observe: Think-Pair-Share; Interactive video watching; Guided inquiry; Independent work time while the instructor "floats"; Polling or other interactive tech
CHEM 1120, General Chemistry II
Instructor: Brittany Butler
Wednesday/Friday, 10:30 - 11:25 am; Brown Hall, Room 261In this class, you might observe: Interactive video watching; Guided inquiry; Independent work time while the instructor "floats"; Polling or other interactive tech; Storytelling
CUAI 3200, Content and Curriculum for Elementary Social Studies
Instructor: Amanda Frasier
Thursday, 9:00 - 11:50; Warf-Pickel Hall, Room 405
Observers need not stay for a full class; please depart discretely and quietly if you leave early.
In this class, you might observe: Think-Pair-Share; Small group problem-solving; Guided inquiry; Student-led activities; "Stations" of activities; Independent work time while the instructor "floats"
This Class is Open Beyond Open Teaching Week: Please notify instructor in advance to alert her to your attendance: See non-Open Teaching Week registration at bottom of this accordion.
EDFN 2400, Foundations of the Profession of Teaching
Instructor: Scott Jenkinson
Tuesday/Thursday, 11:45 am - 1:00 pm; Warf-Pickel Hall, Room 315In this class, you might observe: Think-Pair-Share; Small group problem-solving; Independent work time while the instructor "floats"; "Stations" of activities
This Class is Open Beyond Open Teaching Week: Any day we have class is available! Our course aims to be active and have interactive elements each day. Please notify instructor in advance to alert him to your attendance: See non-Open Teaching Week registration at bottom of this accordion.
EDFN 5200, Advanced Educational Psychology
Instructor: Alison Barton
Tuesday, 5:00 - 7:50 pm; Warf-Pickel Hall, Room 315Observers need not stay for a full class; please depart discretely and quietly if you leave early.
In this class, you might observe: Think-Pair-Share; Small group problem-solving; Guided inquiry; "Stations" of activities; Independent work time while the instructor "floats"; Thinking routines
This Class is Open Beyond Open Teaching Week: I work to make this class highly active and engaging! Please notify instructor in advance to alert her to your attendance: See non-Open Teaching Week registration at bottom of this accordion.
EDFN 5420, Building a Community of Learners
Instructor: Scott Jenkinson
Wednesday, 5:30 - 7:30 pm; Warf-Pickel Hall, Room 315Observers need not stay for a full class; please depart discretely and quietly if you leave early.
In this class, you might observe: Think-Pair-Share; Small group problem-solving; Guided inquiry; "Stations" of activities; Independent work time while the instructor "floats"
This Class is Open Beyond Open Teaching Week: Any date we have class we welcome guests! Please notify instructor in advance to alert him to your attendance: See non-Open Teaching Week registration at bottom of this accordion.
HSCI 2020, Anatomy & Physiology II
Instructor: Patrick Brown
Wednesday/Friday, 11:40 - 12:35 OR 12:50 - 1:45; both sections in Lamb Hall, Room 131
In this class, you might observe: Guided inquiry
Note from Instructor: Students are sitting in assigned seats and there aren't many empty seats. Please linger in the back of the room until class starts, then you can join a student group.
This Class is Open Beyond Open Teaching Week: I don't do guided inquiry every day, but anyone is welcome to pop in or I can send the schedule so you can see when we are doing guided inquiry: non-Open Teaching Week registration at bottom of this accordion.
HSCI 3046, Human Genetics
Instructor: Sean Fox
Tuesday/Thursday, 3:00 - 4:15; Lamb Hall, Room 335
In this class, you might observe: Small group problem-solving; Interactive video watching ;Student-led activities; "Stations" of activities; Independent work time while the instructor "floats"; Polling or other interactive tech
Note from Instructor: Feel free to join in our in-class activity!
This Class is Open Beyond Open Teaching Week: Any Tuesday or Thursday, you are welcome. Please notify instructor in advance to alert him to your attendance: See non-Open Teaching Week registration at bottom of this accordion.
HSCI 3320, General Microbiology
Instructor: Sean Fox
Monday/Wednesday, 10:30 - 11:25; Lamb Hall, Room 131
In this class, you might observe: Small group problem-solving; Interactive video watching; Student-led activities; "Stations" of activities;Independent work time while the instructor "floats"; Polling or other interactive tech
Note from Instructor: Feel free to join in our in-class activity!
This Class is Open Beyond Open Teaching Week: Any Monday or Wednesday, you are welcome. Please notify instructor in advance to alert him to your attendance: See non-Open Teaching Week registration at bottom of this accordion.
HSMP 3600, Quality & Utilization Assurance
Instructor: Whitney Oliver
Tuesday/Thursday, 10:10 - 11:30 am; Lamb Hall, Room 337
In this class, you might observe: "Stations" of activities; Think-Pair-Share; Independent work time while the instructor "floats"; Small group problem-solving
This Class is Open Beyond Open Teaching Week: Please reach out to instructor to ensure it will be a valueable time for you to attend: See non-Open Teaching Week registration at bottom of this accordion.
HSMP 3700, Professional Development & Experiences in Healthcare
Instructor: Whitney Oliver
Tuesday/Thursday, 2:55 - 4:15 pm; Lamb Hall, Room 337In this class, you might observe: Think-Pair-Share; Small group problem-solving; Student-led activities; "Stations" of activities; Independent work time while the instructor "floats"
This Class is Open Beyond Open Teaching Week: Check with instructor first to ensure the material we cover will be valuable of observation time : See non-Open Teaching Week registration at bottom of this accordion.
NRSE 2310, Communication for Health Professions
Instructor: Amber Arsenault
Wednesday, 1:00 - 2:50 pm; Nicks Hall, Room 130In this class, you might observe: Small group problem-solving; Independent work time while the instructor "floats"; Polling or other interactive tech
NRSE 4610, Adult Care 3
Instructor: Amber Arsenault
Wednesday, 8:00 - 10:45 am; Nicks Hall, Room 110Observers need not stay for a full class; please depart discretely and quietly if you leave early.
In this class, you might observe: Small group problem-solving; Polling or other interactive tech; Independent work time while the instructor "floats"
PHYT 6428, Pediatric Physical Therapy
Instructor: Kara Boynewicz
Thursday, 1:00 - 3:30; VA Campus, Bishop Hall, Room G-13 (lower level)
Observers need not stay for a full class; please depart discretely and quietly if you leave early.
In this class, you might observe: Think-Pair-Share; Small group problem-solving; "Stations" of activities; Interactive video watching
This Class is Open Beyond Open Teaching Week: Please notify instructor so she can anticipate your presence: See non-Open Teaching Week registration at bottom of this accordion.
RELI 2210, Introduction to the Study of World Religions
Instructor: Jennifer Adler
Monday/Wednesday, 1:40 - 3:00 pm; Rogers-Stout, Room 325Observers need not stay for a full class; please depart discretely and quietly if you leave early.
In this class, you might observe: Think-Pair-Share; Small group problem-solving;Interactive video watching; Debate; Guided inquiry; Student-led activities; Independent work time while the instructor "floats"; Polling or other interactive tech
This Class is Open Beyond Open Teaching Week: Please notify instructor so she can anticipate your presence: See non-Open Teaching Week registration at bottom of this accordion.
Online Classes & Registration Buttons
Online Class Observations
Beginning in Open Teaching Week, you can register to receive a link to an online class "tour" video given by the instructor of the course. Videos run approximately 30 minutes in length.
You will also be given a link to the Reflection Form. If we receive the Reflection Form back, you will receive 1 hour of CTE credit for this observation!
Online Classes Available
- HSCI 2020, Anatomy & Physiology II [Instructor: Stephen Rice]
In this class, you might observe: Small group problem-solving; Tour will include overview of online collaborative activities
- HSMP 5050, Health Care Accounting and Finance [Instructor: Jennifer Hunt]
- ELPA 6951, Research Analysis & Interpretation [Instructor: Susan Epps]
In this class, you might observe: Online- discussions, group work
Register for one or all:Register for These Online Tours
Your registration will permit us to send you the video tour link plus your Reflection Form!
Tuesday, Feb. 18
10:10 - 11:30 am:
- CHEM 1030, Introductory Chemistry Survey [Instructor: Brittany Butler]
Brown Hall, Room 261 Register
- HSMP 3600: Quality & Utilization Assurance [Instructor: Whitney Oliver]
Lamb Hall, Room 337 Register
11:45 - 1:05 pm:
- EDFN 2400, Foundations of the Profession of Teaching [Instructor: Scott Jenkinson]
Warf-Pickel Hall, Room 315 Register
2:55 - 4:15 pm:
- HSMP 3700, Professional Development & Experiences in Healthcare [Instructor: Whitney Oliver]
Lamb Hall, Room 337 Register
3:00 - 4:15 pm:
- HSCI 3046, Human Genetics [Instructor: Sean Fox]
Lamb Hall, Room 335 Register
5:00 - 7:50 pm:
- EDFN 5200, Advanced Educational Psychology [Instructor: Alison Barton]
Warf-Pickel Hall, Room 315 Register
Wednesday, Feb. 19
8:00 - 10:45 am:
- NRSE 4610, Adult Care 3 [Instructor: Amber Arsenault]
Nicks Hall, Room 110 Register
10:30 - 11:25 am:
- CHEM 1120, General Chemistry II [Instructor: Brittany Butler]
Brown Hall, Room 261 Register
- HSCI 3320, General Microbiology [Instructor: Sean Fox]
Lamb Hall, Room 131 Register
11:40 am - 12:35 pm:
- HSCI 2020, Anatomy & Physiology II [Instructor: Patrick Brown]
Lamb Hall, Room 131 Register
12:50 - 1:45 pm:
- HSCI 2020, Anatomy & Physiology II [Instructor: Patrick Brown]
Lamb Hall, Room 131 Register1:00 - 2:50 pm:
- NRSE 2310, Communication for Health Professions [Instructor: Amber Arsenault]
Nicks Hall, Room 130 Register
1:40 - 3:00 pm:
- RELI 2210, Introduction to the Study of World Religions [Instructor: Jennifer Adler]
Rogers-Stout, Room 325 Register
5:30 - 7:30 pm:
- EDFN 5200, Building a Community of Learners [Instructor: Scott Jenkinson]
Warf-Pickel Hall, Room 315 Register
Thursday, Feb. 20
9:00 - 11:50 am:
- CUAI 3200, Content and Curriculum for Elementary Social Studies [Instructor: Amanda Frasier]
Warf-Pickel Hall, Room 405 Register
10:10 - 11:30 am:
- CHEM 1030, Introductory Chemistry Survey [Instructor: Brittany Butler]
Brown Hall, Room 261 Register
- HSMP 3600: Quality & Utilization Assurance [Instructor: Whitney Oliver]
Lamb Hall, Room 337 Register
11:45 - 1:05 pm:
- EDFN 2400, Foundations of the Profession of Teaching [Instructor: Scott Jenkinson]
Warf-Pickel Hall, Room 315 Register
1:00 - 3:30 pm:
- PHYT 6428, Pediatric Physical Therapy [Instructor: Kara Boynewicz]
VA Campus, Bishop Hall, ROom G-13 (lower level) Register
3:00 - 4:15 pm:
- HSCI 3046, Human Genetics [Instructor: Sean Fox]
Lamb Hall, Room 335 Register2:55 - 4:15 pm:
- HSMP 3700, Professional Development & Experiences in Healthcare [Instructor: Whitney Oliver]
Lamb Hall, Room 337 Register
Friday, Feb. 21
10:30 - 11:25 am:
- CHEM 1120, General Chemistry II [Instructor: Brittany Butler]
Brown Hall, Room 261 Register
11:40 am - 12:35 pm:
- HSCI 2020, Anatomy & Physiology II [Instructor: Patrick Brown]
Lamb Hall, Room 131 Register
12:50 - 1:45 pm:
- HSCI 2020, Anatomy & Physiology II [Instructor: Patrick Brown]
Lamb Hall, Room 131 Register
Classes you can visit beyond Open Teaching Week dates
Register for Any of These Here
10:30 - 11:25
HSCI 3320, General Microbiology
Instructor: Sean Fox
Lamb Hall, Room 131Please notify instructor if you plan to attend:
1:40 - 3:00
RELI 2210, Introduction to the Study of World Religions
Instructor: Jennifer Adler
Rogers-Stout, Room 325
Please notify instructor if you plan to attend: adlerj@etsu.eduTuesdays
10:10 - 11:30
HSMP 3600, Quality & Utilization Assurance
Instructor: Whitney Oliver
Lamb Hall, Room 337Please reach out to instructor to ensure it will be a valueable time for you to attend. :
11:45 - 1:00
EDFN 2400, Foundations of the Profession of Teaching
Instructor: Scott Jenkinson
Warf-Pickel Hall, Room 315Any day we have class is available! Our course aims to be active and have interactive elements each day. Please notify instructor in advance of attending:
2:55 - 4:15
HSMP 3700, Professional Development & Experiences in Healthcare
Instructor: Whitney Oliver
Lamb Hall, Room 337Check with instructor first to ensure the material we cover will be valuable observation time:
3:00 - 4:15
HSCI 3046, Human Genetics
Instructor: Sean Fox
Lamb Hall, Room 335Please notify instructor in advance to alert him to your attendance:
5:00 - 7:50
EDFN 5200, Advanced Educational Psychology
Instructor: Alison Barton
Warf-Pickel Hall, Room 315Please notify instructor in advance to alert her to your attendance:
Observers need not stay for a full class; please depart discretely and quietly if you leave early.Wednesdays
10:30 - 11:25
HSCI 3320, General Microbiology
Instructor: Sean Fox
Lamb Hall, Room 131Please notify instructor if you plan to attend:
11:40 - 12:35
HSCI 2020, Anatomy & Physiology II
Instructor: Patrick Brown
Lamb Hall, Room 131I don't do guided inquiry every day, but anyone is welcome to pop in or I can send the schedule so you can see when we are doing guided inquiry:
1:40 - 3:00
RELI 2210, Introduction to the Study of World Religions
Instructor: Jennifer Adler
Rogers-Stout, Room 325Please notify instructor if you plan to attend:
5:30 - 7:30 pm
EDFN 5420, Building a Community of Learners
Instructor: Scott Jenkinson
Warf-Pickel, Room 315Please notify instructor in advance:
Observers need not stay for a full class; please depart discretely and quietly if you leave early.Thursdays
9:00 - 11:50
CUAI 3200, Content and Curriculum for Elementary Social Studies
Instructor: Amanda Frasier
Warf-Pickel Hall, Room 405Please notify instructor so she can anticipate your attendance:
10:10 - 11:30
HSMP 3600, Quality & Utilization Assurance
Instructor: Whitney Oliver
Lamb Hall, Room 337Please reach out to instructor to ensure it will be a valueable time for you to attend. :
11:45 - 1:00
EDFN 2400, Foundations of the Profession of Teaching
Instructor: Scott Jenkinson
Warf-Pickel Hall, Room 315Any day we have class is available! Our course aims to be active and have interactive elements each day. Please notify instructor in advance of attending:
1:00 - 3:30
PHYT 6428, Pediatric Physical Therapy
Instructor: Kara Boynewicz
VA Campus, Building 2, Room 234
Please notify instructor so she can anticipate your attendance: boynewicz@etsu.edu2:55 - 4:15
HSMP 3700, Professional Development & Experiences in Healthcare
Instructor: Whitney Oliver
Lamb Hall, Room 337Check with instructor first to ensure the material we cover will be valuable observation time:
3:00 - 4:15
HSCI 3046, Human Genetics
Instructor: Sean Fox
Lamb Hall, Room 335Please notify instructor in advance to alert him to your attendance:
11:40 - 12:35
HSCI 2020, Anatomy & Physiology II
Instructor: Patrick Brown
Lamb Hall, Room 131I don't do guided inquiry every day, but anyone is welcome to pop in or I can send the schedule so you can see when we are doing guided inquiry:
For all classes over an hour: Observers need not stay for a full class; please depart discretely and quietly if you leave early.
Register for Any of These Here
*At the CTE, we do our best to track who attends our learning events, and for how much time. At the end of each term, we determine who are SuperUsers (6+ hours of CTE learning time) and notify Chairs and Deans of this accomplishment. At the end of each academic year, we report all users and their credited learning time to each college and send you documentation of that time as well. This can go in your Tenure & Promotion dossier as evidence of teaching practice and development.