National Juried Art Exhibitions
Juror: Michael Ray Charles,
Art21 Contemporary Artist
February 18 to March 8, 2013 at the Slocumb Galleries
Juror's Lecture ad Awarding Reception: March 4, Monday, 5 to 7 p.m.
Juror's Statement: Positive/Negative 28
"In the end, we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we understand, we will understand only what we are taught." —Baba Dioum
It has been said, "the distinction between past, present, and future is only a persistent illusion." What each artist chosen for this exhibition loves and whatever they have come to understand has influenced the work they've produced. Each generation of artists are faced with the ultimate challenge of discovering itself, its values and norms. This generation of artists is no different. Its road towards self discovery is shaped by ideas derived from proven and failed practices of previous generations, but it will eventually find its ways of making art which reflects who it is and what it will become.
Past generations met those challenges, albeit slightly different due to the social, political, and technological advancements of their times. Arguably, the values and norms of past generations may bear a less significant role upon the lives of people today. Today, artists express a sincere gratitude and respect for the traditions and norms of the past, yet out of necessity they are obligated to critique, and or reconfigure these influences as they seem fit in their lives and creative production. I'm a firm believer that boundaries such as cultural traditions, customs, norms and values are necessary. In fact, they are required structures necessary to mark or measure individual and group concepts of progress and possibility. By questioning these boundaries, younger generations challenge the norms of today in order to construct pathways that will reveal possibilities unique to their futures. I have tried to choose work which supports a belief, challenge norms and most importantly provide insight into the future.
Minority Rule is a concept inspired by evolving forces integral to life in America
during, what I refer to as, the threshold years of the 21st century. Cultural norms,
traditions, and values are in a constant state of negotiation. In an attempt to accommodate
non-traditional norms shaped by technology, labor, economics and globalization, established
customs and beliefs are reexamined, modified, and, in some cases, rendered obsolete.
As Americans take measure of complexities associated with accommodating non-normative
perspectives, they also seek to understand our society's shared triumphs and failures.
This exhibition includes artworks that reflect the concerns artists face today and
begs viewers to ask what these artist have conserved, who or what they love, and what
insight they will offer viewers about how they understand the world they have inherited.
- Michael Ray Charles
Best of Show
- YOLO by Kevin R. Kao, TN
Honorable Mention
- Addie Fisher, NH
- Brian Glaze, NC
RaMell Ross, RI
P/N 28 Artists
- Aaron Bernard, NC
- Julia Brown, DC
- Neil Callander, MS
- Eugene Campbell Jr., TX
- Tracy Deer, NJ
- Theresa Devine, AZ
- Latefy Dolley, TN
- Dilenia Garcia-Carpio, AR
- Troy Gua, WA
- Lauren Hill, FL
- Jung Han Kim, CA
- Iva Kinnaird, TX
- Patti Lawrence, TN
- Lily Martina Lee, OR
- Joe Levickas, MI
- Alisha Lewis, FL
- David Marquez, KY
- Cynthia Marsh, TN
- Dele Mercier, OR
- Althea Murphy-Price, TN
- Lindsay A. Nissen, IA
- Tony Ortega, CO
- Shani Peters, NY
- Bryan Petersen, MT
- Sam Romero, FL
- Melissa Vandenberg, KY
- David Versluis, IA
- Sara Vida, MI
- Xiaomiao Wang, OK
- Margi Weir, MI
- Charles Williams, SC
- David Willison, FL
- Tammy Jo Wilson, OR
- Amelia Winger-Bearskin, TN