To view Calendar of Events for ETSU Tipton & Slocumb Galleries, click here.
Thank you TENNESSEE ASSOCIATION OF MUSEUMS (TAM) for the Award of Excellence for the Crafting Blackness (2024), Black & Queer Appalachia (2023), Visibility as Presence (2021) and Diverse & Empowered (2020).
Crafting Blackness: Black Bodies Making Form: Award of Excellence 2024
ETSU Tipton & Slocumb Galleries with MTSU Todd Gallery, TSU Hiram Van Gordon Gallery
and Tennessee Craft
Black & Queer Appalachia: Award of Excellence TAM Awards 2023
Y'All Dont Hear Me, Black Gaze, The Skin Im In and Sounds of Our Souls mural
Diverse & Empowered Project: Award of Excellence, TAM Awards 2020
'Kayumanggi: Post Colonial Filipinx'; 'Ansiedad y Pertenencia (Anxiety & Belongingness:
Latinx TN and the World); 'Silenced Narratives: Africanx Artists,' and 'Rumors of Necessity: Asianx Artists'
Visibility as Presence Project: Award of Excellence TAM Awards 2021
Black Diaspora: From Africa to Appalachia to Affrilachia'; New Latinx South: Nick
Pena and Vanessa Gonzalez'; and 'Welcome Home: Her Liminal Asian Appalachian Experience'
We Are From Around Here: Women Appalachian Photographers
Curated by Amber Farley and Katie Sheffield
January 23 to February 21, 2025, Tipton Gallery
Reception and Gallery Talk: February 7, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m., Tipton Gallery
Lecture by Pamela Pecchio: February 6, Thursday, 5 to 7 p.m., Ball Hall Auditorium,
MFA I Exhibition: Annie Hutchins
March 3 to 28, Tipton Gallery
Reception: March 7, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
BFA Studio Art Exhibition: Don Miller and Elijah Sells
March 31 to April 17, Tipton Gallery
Reception: April 4, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
BFA Graphic Design Exhibition
April 21 to May 2, Tipton Gallery
Closing Reception: May 2, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Providence Academy
May 5 to 9, Tipton Gallery; Reception: TB
FALL 2024
MIGRACION: Latinx Exhibit curated by Shai Perry
August 1 to September 20, Tipton Gallery
Artists' Talk & Reception: August 2, First Friday, Guest of Honor: Dr. Leah Adinolfi
Reception: September 6, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.; Guests of Honor: Dr. & Mrs. Joe
Bidwell, Dean, ETSU College of Arts & Sciences and Angelica Ares of Bravissima! Women
Sponsoring the Arts
Open TH & FR, during UMOJA September 14, Saturday, 5 to 7 p.m. and by appointment
Brazilian Cris Lira POetry Reading: September 9, Monday from 3 to 5 p.m.
in partnership with Bert C. Bach Written Word Initiative, Language & Culture Resource
Center, Women's Gender & Sexuality Studies, Women's Resource Center and funding from
ETSU SAAC and Tennessee Arts Commission
September 26 to October 25, Tipton Gallery;
Artist's Talk & Reception: October 4, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m. with
Guests of Honor: ETSU Provost Dr. Kimberly McCorkle and Commissioner Aaron Murphy
Funding from ETSU SAAC and Tennessee Arts Commission
Best of Tennessee Craft: Northeast
October 28 to November 22, Tipton Gallery;
Reception: November 1, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Funding from ETSU SAAC and Tennessee Arts Commission
MFA Exhibitions: Akintayo Akintobi
January 29 to February 9, Tipton Gallery
Reception: February 2, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
MFA Exhibitions: Brad Owens
February 12 to 23, Tipton Gallery
Reception: February 23, Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
MFA Exhibitions: Ben Conley
February 26 to March 8, Tipton Gallery
Reception: March 8, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
MFA Exhibitions: Ursula Gullow
March 11 to 22, Tipton Gallery
Reception: March 22, Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
MFA Exhibitions: Delaney Rogers
March 25 to April 5, Tipton Gallery
Reception: April 5, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Latinx Exhibition curated by Shai Perry
April 11 to May 3, Tipton Gallery
Reception: May 3, First Friday 6 to 8 p.m.
Providence High School Annual Exhibition
May 6 to 10, Tipton Gallery
Reception: TBA
FALL 2023
Black Bodies Making Form: Curated by Karlota Contreras-Koterbay & Karen Sullivan
September 1 to 29, 2023, Tipton Gallery; September 17 to october 7, Slocumb Galleries
Opening Reception & Artists' Talk: September 1, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
with guests of honor Commissioner Aaron Murphy, Tennessee Craft President JoEl Logiudice
and ETSU Provost Dr. Kimberly McCorkle
Common Threads: Student Installation Exhibit
October 5 to 20, Tipton Gallery
Opening reception & gallery talk: October 6, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Adapted/Adopted: Journey of Asianx Women
November 2 to 25, Tipton Gallery
Reception: November 3, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m. with Guests of Honor: Dr. Susan McCracken,
ETSU Associate Provost and Carrie & Brian Jobe, Co-Founders, TriStar/Locate Arts
AppalaAsian Poet Lisa Kwong: Poetry Reading & Q&A,
November 8, Wednesday, 3 to 5 p.m., Tipton Gallery
BFA Graphic Design Exhibitions
November 30 to December 15, Tipton Gallery
Reception: December 1, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Nostalgia, Necropsy, Nihilism: MFA Group Exhibition
January 19 to February 24, 2023, Tipton Gallery
Reception and Gallery Talk: February 3, First Friday
MFA Laura Schroeder
March 2 to 24, 2023, Tipton Gallery
Reception: March 3, First Friday
Conditional Surroundings: Environmental Exhibit
curated by Shai Perry and Brooke Day
March 30 to May 5, 2023, Tipton Gallery
Reception: April 6, Thursday 6 to 8 p.m.
Zoom Curators and Artists Talk: April 20, Thursday, 6 p.m. via ZOOM ID 710 908 4999
Environmental Oral Histories: April 26, Wednesday, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Featuring Katlyn Brumfield, Jordan Fowler, Travis Graves, Nora Hartlaub, Jay Jacobs,
Devin Lovett, Amanda Musick, Sun Young Park, Sandra De La Rosa, Hugo Ximello Salido,
Marissa Shell, Linda Tien, Kathleen Thum and Jason Davis, ETSU Basler Chair
Presented in collaboration with College of Arts & Sciences, Department of Sustainability,
EcoNuts, Reece Museum, Bravissima! Women Sponsoring the Arts, with funding from the
Arts Build Communities (ABC) Grant, Mike Burns and the Arts Fund from East Tennessee
Pan Dulce y Yo: J. Leigh Garcia
May 5 to 7, 2023, Tipton Gallery
Presented in collaboration with Language and Culture Resource Center, Bravissima!
Women Sponsoring the Arts and Corazon Latino Festival with funding from the Arts Build
Communities (ABC) Grant, Arts Fund from East Tennessee Foundation and Mike Burns
Providence Academy Annual High School Exhibition
May 10 to 14, 2023, Tipton Gallery
FALL 2022
Y'all Don’t Hear Me: Black Appalachia Curated by Kreneshia Whiteside-McGee
September 1 to October 7, Tipton Gallery; August 16 to September 23, Slocumb Galleries
Opening Reception: September 2, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m., Tipton Gallery
UMOJA Festival: September 10, Saturday, 1 to 6 p.m., Face Painting at King Commons
Film Showing of Ramell Ross' Hale County, This Morning, This Evening: September 14,
Wednesday, 7 p.m., Ball Hall Auditorium, reception at 6 p.m., Slocumb Galleries
Closing Reception with Spoken Word Poets: October 7, First Friday 6 to 8 p.m.
Poetry Reading by Nikki Giovanni: September 20, Tuesday, 6 p.m., Brown Hall Auditorium
In partnership with ETSU Black American Studies, Bert C. Bach Written Word Initiative, Department of Language & Literature, Office of Equity & Inclusion, Language & Culture Resource Center, Mary V. Jordan Multicultural Center, Student Activities Allocations Committee, Department of Appalachian Studies, Black Faculty & Staff Association, Radio, TV & Film Studies, Film & Media Studies, Black American Writers Series, Langston Centre, UMOJA Festival, Sankofa, Bottom Knox, East Tennessee Foundation, Tennessee Arts Commission APS Grant and Bravissima: Women Sponsoring the Arts
This Skin I'm In / LGBTQIA+ Photography Exhibition:
Co-curated by Starr Sariego and Tema Stauffer
October 13 to November 23, Tipton Gallery;
Reception & Artists' Talk: November 4, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.;
Panel discussion: November 14, Monday, 5 to 7 p.m., Tipton Gallery
In partnership with ETSU Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies Program, Mary V. Jordan Multicultural Center, Student Activities Allocations Committee, Safe Zone, Tri-Cities Pride Center, East Tennessee Foundation's Arts Fund and Bravissima: Women Sponsoring the Arts
BFA Graphic Design Seniors' Exhibitions
December 1 to 9, 2022, Tipton Gallery;
Reception: December 2, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
MFA Exhibition by Hannah Taylor
February 1 to 18, 2022
reception: February 2, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
MFA Exhibition by Greg Smith
February 22 to March 11, 2022
reception: March 4, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
MFA Exhibition by Hanna Traynham
March 15 to April 8, 2022
reception: April 1, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
America Unraveling: Zero Space Collective curated by Brooke Day
April 12 to May 6, 2022
reception: May 6, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Providence High School Annual Exhibition
May 10-11, 2022
FALL 2021
JohnsonVille curated by Amber Howard
August 5 to 20, Tipton Gallery
reception: August 6, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Mixed Americans curated by Shai Perry
August 26 to October 8, Tipton Gallery
reception: September 3 and October 1, First Fridays, 6 to 8 p.m.
Funny Haha: CORE Students
October 14 to November 5, Tipton Gallery
reception: November 5, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
BFA Exhibitions
November 11 to December 3, Tipton Gallery;
reception: November 12, Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Welcome Home: Her Liminal Asian-Appalachian Experiences
Curated by Jose Ardivilla and Kreneshia Whiteside
February 4 to March 19, 2021, Tipton Gallery
Artists' Studios Visit: February 23, Tuesday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Panel on Women, Migration and Empowerment: March 3, Wednesday, 6 to 8 p.m.
via ZOOM ID 710 908 4999
Trancendence: Beyond the Normal or Physical Level - MFA Group Exhibition
March 22 to April 9, 2021
Artists' Talk: April 9, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m., via Zoom ID 710 908 4999
Tennessee Daze Inn: Curated by Jeff Kinzel
April 15 to May 7, Tipton Gallery;
Public viewing: May 7, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
FALL 2020
Black Diaspora: From Africa to Appalachia to Affrilachia - From Africa to Appalachia
to Affrilachia
Curated by Marie Cochran and Lyn Govette
September 3 to October 16, 2020; Reception: September 4, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Panel on Black Appalachia: September 3, Thursday, Langston Centre
Film showing with Q&A: 'Knoxville's Red Summer' by William Isom: September 9, 7pm
Performance by Amythyst Kiah: October 2, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m., Tipton Gallery
New Latinx South: Nostalgia by Vanessa Gonzalez and
house, non-house... geometry and echos’ by Nick Peña
October 29 to December 11;
Dia de los Muertos: October 30, Friday, 5 to 7 p.m.,
Sublime Flawed Animal: ETSU Art & Design Adjunct Faculty & Staff
Curated by Alice Salyer
February 3 to 14, 2020; Reception: February 7, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Artists: Marie Porterfield-Barry, Sam Boven, Laken Bridges, Karlota Contreras-Koterbay, Amber
Farley, John Hilton, Liz Layton, Angelique Lynch, Catherine Murray, Kevin Reaves,
Alice Salyer, Katie Sheffield
FALL 2019
JCPAC 5x5 Exhibit & Fundraiser
August 1 & 2, 2019; Reception: August 2, First Friday, 5:55 to 9 p.m.
Silenced Narratives: Africanx American Artists
Curated by Shai Perry and Terrell Carter
August 9 to September 14, 2019; Reception: September 6, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
ETSU Multicultural Students and Police Enforcement: September 5, Tipton Gallery
Sponsored by ETSU Student Activities Allocation Committee (SAAC) and East TN Foundation'
Arts Fund
Artists: Najjar Abdul-Musawwir, Jonathan Adams, Terrell Carter, Kimberly Dummons, Samuel Dunson, Sean Frye, Masud Olufani, Shai Perry and Denise Ward-Brown
* Recipient, Award of Excellence for 'Diverse & Empowered Exhibition Series' and Award
of Commendation for Publication Series from the Tennessee Association of Museums (TAM)
Fool’s Errand: Prints by Sage Perrott
December 5, 2019 to January 31, 2020; Reception: December 6, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Printmaking Art Demo: January 30, Tipton Gallery
Tangibility of Faith: Art & Religion in Appalachia and Tennessee
Curated by SG Curatorial Fellows Moira Frazier, Cheyenne Good & Amber Howard
January 2 to February 22, Tipton Gallery and Reece Museum
InterFaith Panel & Reception: January 31, Reece Museum; Reception: February 1, Tipton Gallery
World Hijab Day: February 4, Reece Museum, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Public Lecture by Rachel Boillot: February 14, Thursday, 7 p.m., Ball Hall Auditorium
Artists: Sassan Ahovan, Clorinda Bell, Rachel Boillot, William Cross+, Nancy Fischman, Joe Letitia, Jeff Marley, Jocelyn Matthewes, Jeff Marley, Mary Nees, Masud Olufani, Halide Salam, Randy Sanders, Katie Sheffield, Page Turner, Yancy Villa-Calvo, Carlton Wilkinson
Sponsored by the Tennessee Arts Commission’s Arts Project Support (APS) Grant in partnership with the Reece Museum, Department of Philosophy & Humanities, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Office of Multicultural Affairs and the ETSU Student Government Association (SGA) B.U.C. Funds
Ansiedad y Pertenencia (Anxiety & Belonging) Latinx, Tennessee and the World
Curated by Dr. Felipe de Fiuza and Karlota Contreras-Koterbay
April 1 to 19, Tipton Gallery; June to July at at the McKinney Center, Jonesborough
Reception & Gallery Talk: April 5; and April 12, Corazon Latino Festival
Artists: Rosanna Camacho, Antuco Chicaiza, Michael Giles, Nelson Gutierrez, Yancy Villa-Calvo, and Andres Arizaga Cordero
* Recipient Award of Excellence for 'Diverse & Empowered Exhibition Series' and Award
of Commendation for Publication from the Tennessee Association of Museums (TAM) 2020
Sponsored by the ETSU Student Activities Allocation Funds, the Arts Funds of the East
Tennessee Foundation and the Tennessee Arts Commission's Arts Project Support (APS)
Grant in partnership with the Language & Culture Resource Center, Multicultural Center,
Department of Anthropology & Sociology, Office of Multicultural Affairs, and School
of Continuing Studies
Of Bees, Petals and Wings: A Pollinator Exhibition
during What's the BUZZ Festival
April 22 to May 10; Reception & Gallery Talk: May 3, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Guest of Honor: Commissioner Jenny Brock, Mayor of Johnson City
Artists: Suzanne Stryk,Susan Lachmann, Alice Salyer, Chasity Watson, Catherine Murray,
Jocelyn Mathewes, Anne Reid, Nancy Fischman, Angie Bord, Jane Broderick, Sarah Dorr,
Nancy Jane Ernest, Donna Bird, Allison Parker, Summer Buchanan, Angelique Lynch, Richard
Kortum, Katie Sheffield, Amber Farley, Donna Bird, Karlota Contreras-Koterbay, Kathryn
Jenkins, Virginia Buda, Aleta Chandler, Mark Russell.
Image: Untitled by Suzanne Stryk
Meditations for Chaos: Fiber Art by Laura Bowman
June 7 to July 25; Reception: June 7, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Demo & Performance on Thursdays and Fridays
FALL 2018
THREEFOLD: Astri Snodgrass, Kayla Rumpp and Risa Hricovsky
Curated by Fluorescent Gallery Director David Wolff
August 10 to 31; Reception: August 10, Little Chicago Festival, 6 to 8 p.m.
Diverse & Beautiful: Detangling/Unraveling the Politics of Hair
Curated by Karlota Contreras-Koterbay and Karen Sullivan
September 6 to 28; Reception & Performance: September 7, First Friday, during UMOJA Unity Festival
Artists: Brandon Donahue, Olivia Ellis, Lawrence Matthews, Lester Merriweather, Carl Moore, Althea Murphy Price, and Carlton Wilkinson
Performance of 'Madam CJ Walker' by Memphis-based Storyteller Valerie Houston:
September 7, First Friday reception, 6:30 p.m., Johnson City Public Library, September 8, Saturday and during the UMOJA Unity Festival on September 8, at 6 p.m.
with the 'JC Hair Parade' by Crown Cutz Academy and regional hair salons and hairstylists
Sponsored by the ETSU Student Activities Allocation Funds (SAAC) as part of the Diverse
& Beautiful Project, in partnership with the Language & Culture Resource Center (LCRC),
Umoja Festival, Multicultural Center, Office of Multicultural Affairs, Department
of Anthropology & Sociology, School of Continuing Studies, Africana Studies Program,
Storytelling Program, Crown Cutz Academy & regional Hairstylists/Salons, Johnson City
Senior Center, Johnson City Public Library, Soleus Massage, Holston Elementary, the
TN Arts Commission's Arts Build Communities (ABC) Grant and the East Tennessee Foundation's
Arts Fund
Diverse & Beautiful: Kayumanggi - Post Colonial Filipinx
October 4 to 26, Tipton Gallery and the Reece Museum
Performance, Lecture & Student Mentoring by Alejandro Acierto: October 3, Tipton Gallery
Reception & Demo by Emmy awardee animator Jess Española: October 5, Digital Media
Student Mentoring by Gina Osterloh: October 11, Ball Hall
Día de los Muertos with Rosalie Lopez: October 26 at Tipton Gallery and Papel Picado on October 27 at McKinney Center, Jonesborough, TN and St. Jude Feast with Latino Community, Morristown, TN
Artists: Alejandro Acierto, Leticia Bajuyo, Gigi Bio, Kelvin Burzon, Richard Brown, Marinel Isla Contreras, Gina Osterloh and Emmy awardee Jess Española
* Recipient Award of Excellence for 'Diverse & Empowered Exhibition Series' and Award of Commendation for Publication from the Tennessee Association of Museums (TAM) 2020
Pawned Quinceñera Jewelry: Rosalie Lopez
April 6 to 20; Reception, Artist's Talk, Papel Picado Demo & Mentoring: April 5 & 6
In partnership with the Topper Academy, Language & Culture Resource Center and funding
from the Tennessee Arts Commission's Arts Build Communities (ABC) Grant through the
First TN Development District
SEED: An Environmental Experience
Curated by Virginia Buda and Kelly Celeste Porter
May, Reception & Performance during What's the Buzz Festival
Artists: Vaughn Bell, Valerie Fuchs, Lyn Govette, Vanessa Mayoraz, Vincent Patrick, Katie Ries, Hilary Walrod
FALL 2017
Our Appalachia: Community and Innovation
Curated by Slocumb Galleries' Curatorial Interns: Cheyenne Good, Amber Howard and
Moira Frazier
July 6 to 28; Guest of Honor: Krishna Adams, Tennessee Arts Commission
Performance by Ed Snodderly during reception
Artists: Art Brown, Aleta Chandler, Wayne Culberston, Richard Dwyer, Shane Fero, Mira Gerard,
Travis Graves, Mindy Herrin, Megan King, Patti Lawrence, Liz Layton, Val Lyle, Jeannine
Marchand, Alex McClay, Theresa Markiw, Jocelyn Matthews, John Edwin May, Vanessa Mayoraz, Patricia Mink,
Don Morris, Calvin Nicely, Andrew Scott Ross, Alice Salyer, Randy Sanders, Ralph Slatton,
Jim Stagner, Jeff Stoner, Anne Thwaites
Black Appalachia: African American Art in Northeast Tennessee
August 4 to 28; Reception: August 11, Little Chicago Festival, 6 to 8 p.m.
Artists: Jonathan Adams, Kelsie Dulaney-Hayworth, V. Kelsey Ellis, Gideyon Kifle,
Shalam Minter, Calvin Nicely, with Bessie Harvey+, Sammie Nicely+, and Lydia Wilson+ from the Bob, Allison & Martha Alfonso Collection
Harvest: Ceramics by Lindsay Rogers
October, Reception and Art Demo
Please click to view Ceramic Art Demo
Manlalakbay: Filipina/o Diaspora and the Hybrid Identity
November 3 to 28; Reception, Collaborative Mural & Student Mentoring: November 2 & 3
Artists: Kim Arteche Acebo (CA), Julio Jose Austria (NY), Jeho Bitancor (NY), Johann Bitancor (TN/NV), Titchie Carandang & Erwin Tiongson of The Philippines on the Potomac Project (D.C.), Stephanie Syjuco (CA), Jenifer Wofford & Mail Order Brides (M.O.B.) Collective (CA), Art Zamora (NY/Manila), with filmmakers Suzanne Richiardone (NY) & Sunshine Lichauco De Leon (LA/Manila)
SidebySide: Warhol and the Body Curated by Amber Howard
December 1, 2017 to January 26, 2018; Reception & Performance: December 7
Artists: Andy Warhol+ from the ETSU Art & Design/Slocumb Galleries Permanent Collection, Coriana Close, Brooke Day, Mark Hosford, Shalam Minter, Andrew Norris, Christian Rieben, Alice Salyer, Liz Clayton Scofield, Jessica Wohl and Body Art by Ren Allen Performance with the Downtown Yoga Center.
Images: Keith Harring & Lover by Andy Warhol+ and Untitled by Mark Hosford
Positive/Negative 32: Open National Juried Art Exhibition
Juror: Dr. Anja Foerschner, Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles
March 13 to 24; Reception & Juror's Lecture
Supported by the Slocumb Galleries Student Society, ETSU Civility Celebrations, Multicultural
Honors College, Women's Resource Center and the Privilege Walk Collaborative
Ni De Aquí Ni De Allá / Neither Here Nor There: Contemporary Mexican Printmaking
on Both Sides of the Border Curated by Rogelio Gutierrez
April 7 to 28; Reception: April 7, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.; June to December at ETSU Multicultural Center
Artists: Francisco Alonzo, Alan Altamirano, Julia Caporal, Chema Chino, Juan de Dios Mora,
Fernando de Leon, Janet Diaz, Sebastian Gallegos, Armando Gomez, Gabriela Gonzalez,
Abraham Gonzalez Pacheco, Rogelio Gutierrez, ISTO, Rosalie Lopez, Miguel Ledezma,
Emmanuel Lopez Lopez, Xilberto L. Nunez, Gabriela Martinez, Carmen Razo, Coral Revueltas,
Humberto Saenz, Alejandro Villabazo and video by Anthony Ortega
FALL 2016
Reclaiming/Remaking Curated by Lyn Govette
July 29 to August 26; Reception: August 12, Little Chicago Festival, 6 to 8 p.m.
Featured: JoAnna Commandaros, Xia Gao, Elsie T. Hill, Megan Karlen, Kathryn Martin, Michael Messer,
Steve Novick, Carrie Tomberlin, Eric Tomberlin, Paul Turano
CARRI JOBE: DO YOU…YOU, FEEL LIKE I DO and Hypostyle Low Tide by Brian Jobe
September 2 to 22; Reception: September 2
Lecture about Locate Arts, Painting Demo & Student Mentoring: September 22, Ball Hall
‘Nandito Na Ako’ (I’m Here Now) Filipinx Exhibit Curated by Vi Viray Bautista & Loren Ibach
October 3 to 28; Reception & Performance: October 7, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Artists: Cheryl Acuña, Jerico Domingo, Tristan Espinoza, Anna Liza Evangelista, Kyrstin Rodriguez,
Craig Stamatelaky, Tewosret Vaughn
In partnership with the Tennessee Arts Commission's Arts Build Communities (ABC) Grant
through the
First TN Development District, the East TN & SW VA Philippine American Association
and the American Museum of Philippine Art (AMPA)
Heroic Painting: Christian Rieben
December, Reception & Artist's Talk
Farmas: Rogelio Gutierrez
March to April; Reception & Printmaking Demo during Corazon Latino Festival
FALL 2015
Threads of Empowerment, Curated by Karlota Contreras-Koterbay and Lyn Govette
September to October, Reception & Gallery Talk
Sponsored by the Tennessee Arts Commission's Arts Project Support (APS) Grant
Positive/Negative 30: Open National Juried Art Exhibition
Juror: Dr. Mika Yoshitake, Hirshhorn Museum of Art & Sculpture Garden
February, Reception & Juror's Lecture
Behind the Lens: Women Photographers on the South and Appalachia
Curated by Slocumb Galleries' Curatorial Interns Lyn Govette and Jess Hilyer
March, Reception & Gallery Talk; from the Collection of the Do Good Fund
FALL 2014
Animal Temporalities: New Media Prints by Mary Hood
November, Reception & Artist's Talk
Moment and Visions: Photographs by Tore Terrasi
July to August
Positive/Negative 29: Open National Juried Art Exhibition
Juror: Buzz Spector, CAA Lifetime Awardee, and Dean at Washington University
February, Reception, Juror's Lecture & Student Mentoring
In partnership with the Office of Multicultural Affairs, Urban Redevelopment Alliance,
Charles Sherrod Library,
Slocumb Galleries Student Society and ETSU Student Government Association (SGA) B.U.C.
Earthen Bodies: Figurative Ceramics
February to March, Reception & Artist's Talk
EQUAL: Modern Family in Contemporary Art
Curated by Karlota Contreras-Koterbay and SG Curatorial Fellow Michael Hale
March to April, Reception and Gallery Talk
FALL 2013
Memory & Secrets: Vanessa Mayoraz
September, Reception & Artist's Talk; Burnaway Magazine Q&A with the artist
Envisioned Landscape, curated by Karlota Contreras-Koterbay and SG Curatorial Intern Michael Hale
October, Reception and Artists' Talk
Artists: Diane Fox, Megan Levacy, Adrianne Little, Allison Luce, Theresa Markiw, Mary Nees,
Mary Bates Neubauer, Ester Randall, Denise Stewart-Sanabria, Suzanne Stryk
In partnership with the Women's Resource Center and the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality
1st Fl3tcher Exhibit: Social and Politically-Engaged Art,
Juror: Michael Aurbach, Vanderbilt University and former President of College Art Association (CAA)
November, Reception & Gallery Talk; Guest of Honor: Dr. Brian Noland, ETSU President
(In)Finito: Faculty of Art & Design Biennial Exhibition
April to May; Reception: Guest of Honor: Dr. Gordon Anderson, Dean of College of Arts & Letters, ETSU
FALL 2012
Humor; Analog, Humor Curated by Dr. Scott Contreras-Koterbay
October, Reception & Performance
Figures and Faces in the Abstract by Mary-Ann Prack
February, Reception & Artist's Talk
Chase Westfall: Exhibition by Chase Westfall
February, Reception & Artist's Talk
May to June during Blue Plum Festival
FALL 2011
Two Characters in Search of a Title: Collaborations by Ann Ropp and Suzanne Stryk
September, Reception and Artists' Talk
Process Is Not Magic: Andrew Scott Ross
October to November, Reception & Artist's Talk
Soaring: Nine Women
June during Blue Plum Festival
Innuendos: Paintings by Daniel Koterbay
Plums, Apples, Landscape and Still Life: Theresa Markiw
June during Blue Plum Festival
FALL 2009
Pending: Stacy Isenbarger and Anna Kell
Reception & Artists' Talk
Orange: Vietnam War Photographs by Goro Nakamura
May to July, Tipton Street Gallery
ETSU Art & Design Exhibition
June during Blue Plum Festival, Tipton Street Gallery
Links to Additional Exhibitions
Please click for Past Exhibitions for Visiting Artists and Faculty & Alumni
BFA/BA/MFA/ Student Exhibitions
Positive/Negative National Juried Art Exhibitions