The Slocumb Galleries review exhibit proposals from artists and curators in the US and other parts of the world. Reviews are conducted by the Gallery Committee during the Spring semester in preparation for the second year after the current academic year's calendar of events.
ETSU’s Department of Art and Design and Slocumb Galleries invite exhibition proposals for Fall 2023. Call is open to all media. Individuals, artist groups, and curators are encouraged to submit a proposal that interprets the prefix “Re-“; for example, artwork that Rethinks, Repurposes, Reinvents, Reworks, Repeats, Remakes, Reconstructs, Reexamines, Reframes, Re-envisions, Reuses, Remodels , Reinvents, Reconceives, Reconceptualizes, or Redefines. Deadline is December 1, 2022.
Proposals must be sent via Slideroom
- Name of artist(s) or Curator with participating artists,
- Contact info including address (specify state where work is coming from), email, website
address, and mobile number,
- Title of show and Concept of the exhibit - minimum of 2 paragraphs or maximum of one
page Curatorial Statement
- Medium and estimate number of works (with dimension),
- Artist statement (in .doc format (or pdf),
- Digital images of work to be included in the show - please limit to maximum of 10-15
images, you may include some past work for reference but its important that majority
of the images submitted are what is proposed for exhibition.
- Other info, logistics, catalogues, etc. mention if you have funding for shipping or
allowance for travel.
Please do NOT send images via email. Submitted materials will not be returned. Accepted proposals will be contacted via email or phone.
The Slocumb Galleries provide venue, postcard invites, publicity and insurance during exhibition; one or two way shipping is provided on case to case basis. Artists and curators are encouraged to attend the show or present lecture or workshop; honorarium and flight accommodations are sometimes offered if funding is available but is not guaranteed.
Karlota I. Contreras-Koterbay
Director, Slocumb Galleries
Box 70708, Department of Art & Design
East Tennessee State University
Johnson city, TN 37614
Deadline for proposals is December 1, 2022
For additional information: