Threshold by Kimberly English, photo credit: Loam
Exceptional Myth: Dawn Dickins
January 21 to February 14, 2025, with 'erasing of myths' daily
Artist's Talk & Reception: February 13, Thursday, 5 to 7 p.m.
with Guest of Honor: Dr. Joe Bidwell, Dean, College of Arts & Sciences
Drawi ng Demo: February 14, Friday, 10 am to 12 noon, SLocumb Galleries
Partners: Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Sherrod Library and Women's Resource
Funding from Tennessee Arts Commission and ETSU Student Academic Allocation Committee
We Are From Around Here: Appalachia Through Women's Lens
Curated by Amber Farley and Katie Sheffield
January 30 to February 28, 2025, Tipton Gallery
Lecture by Pamela Pecchio: February 6, Thursday, 5 to 7 p.m., Ball Hall Auditorium,
Reception and Gallery Talk: February 7, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m., Tipton Gallery
Partners: Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Sherrod Library and Women's Resource
Funding from Tennessee Arts Commission and ETSU Student Academic Allocation Committee
Positive/Negative 40 National Juried Art Exhibition
Juror: Nandini Makrandi, Chief Curator, Hunter Museum of American Art
February 17 to March 14, 2025, Slocumb Galleries
Juror's Lecture & Reception: March 12, Wednesday, 5 to 7 p.m., Ball Hall Auditorium,
Sponsored by Jerry's Artarama of Knoxville
MFA I Exhibition: Annie Hutchins
March 3 to 28, Tipton Gallery
Reception: March 7, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
MFA II Exhibition: Caitlin Maltbie
March 24 to April 4, Slocumb Galleries; Reception: TBA
BFA Studio Art Exhibitions: Don Miller and Elijah Sells
March 31 to April 17, Tipton Gallery
Reception: April 4, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
April 7 to 17, Slocumb Galleries;
Reception: April 10, Thursday, 5 to 7 p.m.
BFA Graphic Design Exhibition
April 21 to May 2, Tipton Gallery
Closing Reception: May 2, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Mary & Jim Martin Student Juried Art Exhibition 2025
April 21 to May 9, Slocumb Galleries; Reception: TBA
Providence Academy
May 5 to 9, Tipton Gallery; Reception: TBA
THANK YOU TENNESSEE ASSOCIATION OF MUSEUMS' for TAM Awards of Excellence for recognizing Black Bodies Making Form (2024), Black & Queer Apapalchia (2023), Visibility as Presence (2021) and Diverse & Empowered (2020).
The ETSU Tipton & Slocumb Galleries is under the Department of Art & Design, at East Tennessee State University with funding from College of Arts & Sciences, Student Activities Allocation Committee (SAAC), Office of the Provost, and Mary B. Martin School of the Arts (MBMSOTA) with generous support from East Tennessee Foundation (ETF) through Arts Fund and Hope in Action grants and Tennessee Arts Commission through Arts Build Communities (ABC) and Arts Project Support (APS) grants. Crafting Blackness Initiative is partially funded by In These Mountains project grant from SouthArts and Bravissima! Women Sponsoring the Arts.
We are a member of the Tennesseeans for the Arts and we encourage all to purchase the TN Specialty Plate Program in funding the arts.
FALL 2024
MIGRACION: Latinx Exhibition, Curated by Shai Perry
August 1 to September 20, 2024 Tipton Gallery
Artists' Talk & Reception: August 2, First Friday, Guest of Honor: Dr. Leah Adinolfi
Reception: September 6, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.; Guests of Honor: Dr. & Mrs. Joe
Bidwell, Dean, ETSU College of Arts & Sciences and Angelica Ares of Bravissima! Women
Sponsoring the Arts
Open TH & FR, during UMOJA September 14, Saturday, 5 to 7 p.m. and by appointment
Cris Lira: Brazilian Poetry Reading, September 9, Monday from 3 to 5 p.m.
in partnership with Bert C. Bach Written Word Initiative, Language & Culture Resource
Center, Women's Gender & Sexuality Studies, Women's Resource Center
Funding from ETSU SAAC and Tennessee Arts Commission
THRESHOLD: Kimberly English
August 5 to September 27, Slocumb Galleries;
Artist’s Talk & Reception: September 26, Thursday, 5 to 7 p.m.
with Guest of Honor ETSU First Lady Donna Noland
Funding from ETSU SAAC and Tennessee Arts Commission
September 26 to October 25, Tipton Gallery;
Artist's Talk & Reception: October 4, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m. with
Guests of Honor: ETSU Provost Dr. Kimberly McCorkle and Commissioner Aaron Murphy
Funding from ETSU SAAC and Tennessee Arts Commission
PREY/TELL: Melissa Vandenberg
September 30 to November 8, Slocumb Galleries;
Reception & Artist’s Talk: October 24, Thursday, 5 to 7 p.m., Slocumb Galleries
Guests of Honor ETSU President Dr. Brian Noland and Commissioner Jenny Brock
Funding from ETSU SAAC and Tennessee Arts Commission
Best of Tennessee Craft: Northeast
October 28 to November 22, Tipton Gallery;
Reception: November 1, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Funding from ETSU SAAC and Tennessee Arts Commission
Posters for Peace, Curated by Johnathon Strube
November 11 to 22, Slocumb Galleries
Reception & Diverse Discussion: November 14, Thursday, 5 to 7 p.m.
Guest of Honor: Dr. Susan McCracken, Assoc. Provost for Community Engagement
Panelists: Dr Michael Bufano, Nathan Farnor, Dr. Michelle Crumley and Prof. Pouya
What Does It Mean: Johnathon Strube
January 16 to February 9, 2024, Slocumb Galleries
Reception: February 8, Thursday, 5-7pm
Crafting Blackness: Amythyst Kiah with ETSU Old-Time Ramblers
February 19, Monday, 7 to 9 p.m., ETSU Martin Center
Presented by Crafting Blackness Initiative with Tennessee Craft, Black American Studies,
UMOJA, Bravissima! Women Sponsoring the Arts, College of Arts & Sciences, ETSU Office
of the Provost,
Funding from Tennessee Arts Commission, East Tenneessee Foundation and SouthArts
Positive/Negative 39 National Juried Art Exhibition
Juror: Michelle Fisher, Curator, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
February 12 to March 8, Slocumb Galleries
Reception: March 7, Thursday, 5 p.m., followed by Juror's Lecture at 6 p.m., Ball
Hall Auditorium with live-cast via ZOOM ID 710 908 4999 pw An0r01
FALL 2023
Beyond Photojournalism, Before Clinchfield:
Ron Campbell, Larry Smith, Katie Sheffield, Charles Warden, Curated by Amber Dawn
Closing reception: August 28, Monday, 5 to 7 p.m., Slocumb Galleries
Guest of Honor: Arch. Jeremy Ross, ETSU Chief Operating Officer,
Displayed at Caroline Jackson Gallery, 2024
Black Bodies Making Form, Curated by Karlota Contreras-Koterbay & Karen LeBlanc Sullivan
September 1 to 29, 2023, Tipton Gallery; September 17 to october 7, Slocumb Galleries
Opening Reception & Artists' Talk: September 1, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
with Guests of Honor: Commissioner Aaron Murphy, Tennessee Craft President JoEl Logiudice
ETSU Provost Dr. Kimberly McCorkle
Crafting Blackness Panel: September 28, Thursday, 4 to 6 p.m., Ball Hall Auditorium,
followed by Black Bodies Making Form closing reception at 6 p.m., Slocumb Galleries with Guests of Honor: ETSU Board of
Regent Dorothy Grisham and Tennessee Craft Executive Director Kim Waag
re(Play): Sculptural Installations by David B. Smith
August 23 to September 14, Slocumb Galleries
Closing Reception & Artist's Talk: September 14, 5 to 7 p.m., Slocumb Galleries with
Guest of Honor: Dr. Leah Adinolfi, ETSU Dean of Student Engagement
Trapped in Forever Smile: Fiber installations by Jan-Ru Wan
October 10 to November 3, Slocumb Galleries
Opening reception & Artist's Talk: October 10, Tuesday, 5 to 7 p.m.
Adapted/Adopted: Journey of Asianx Women
October 26 to November 24, Tipton Gallery
Reception: November 3, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m. with Guests of Honor:
Dr. Susan McCracken, ETSU Associate Provost and Carrie & Brian Jobe, Co-Founders,
TriStar/Locate Arts
AppalaAsian Poetry Reading and Q&A: Lisa Kwong, November 8, Wednesday, 3 to 5 p.m., Tipton Gallery
Pan Dulce y Yo: J. Leigh Garcia
January 10 to February 10, 2023, Slocumb Galleries
Cyanotype Demo & Reception with Artist's Talk: February 9, Thursday, 3 p.m. and 5
to 7 p.m.
Presented in collaboration with Language and Culture Resource Center, Bravissima!
Women Sponsoring the Arts and Corazon Latino Festival with funding from the Arts Build
Communities (ABC) Grant, Arts Fund from East Tennessee Foundation and Mike Burns
Positive/Negative 38 National Juried Art Exhibition
Juror: Mark Scala, Chief Curator, Frist Art Museum
February 14 to March 24, 2023, Slocumb Galleries
Zoom Artists Talk: March 8, Wednesday, 6 p.m. via ZOOM ID 710 908 4999
Reception and Juror’s Lecture: March 23, Thursday, 5 p.m. at Slocumb Galleries followed
by lecture at 6 p.m. at the Ball Hall Auditorium
Conditional Surroundings: Environmental exhibition curated by Shai Perry and Brooke
Featuring Katlyn Brumfield, Jordan Fowler, Travis Graves, Nora Hartlaub, Jay Jacobs,
Devin Lovett, Amanda Musick, Sun Young Park, Sandra De La Rosa, Hugo Ximello Salido,
Marissa Shell, Linda Tien, Kathleen Thum and Dr. Jason Davis, ETSU CAS Basler Chair
for 2022
March 30 to May 2, 2023, Tipton Gallery; Reception: April 6, Thursday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Guests of Honor: Washington County Commissioner Hon. Jodi Jones and
ETSU College of Arts & Sciences' Dean Dr. Joe Bidwell
Curators' and Artists' Talk: April 20, Thursday, 6 p.m. via ZOOM ID 710 908 4999
Environmental Oral Histories: April 26, Wednesday, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Presented in collaboration with College of Arts & Sciences, Department of Sustainability,
EcoNuts, Reece Museum, Bravissima! Women Sponsoring the Arts, with funding from the
Arts Build Communities (ABC) Grant, Mike Burns and the Arts Fund from East Tennessee
Pan Dulce y Yo: J. Leigh Garcia
May 4 to 8, 2023, Tipton Gallery
Presented in collaboration with Language and Culture Resource Center, Bravissima!
Women Sponsoring the Arts and Corazon Latino Festival with funding from the Arts Build
Communities (ABC) Grant, Arts Fund from East Tennessee Foundation and Mike Burns
'A is for Affrilachia' book signing by award wnning poet Frank X Walker: May 8, Monday at 7 p.m.
with Atlas Books, Johnson City Public Library and University of KY Press
FALL 2022
The Black Gaze: African American Artists of Johnson City
Curated by Lynn Bachmann and Lyn Govette
July 1 to August 20, Tipton Gallery; reception: August 5, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
In partnership with Langston Centre, UMOJA Festival, Black American Studies, ETSU
Multicultural Center
Y'all Don’t Hear Me: Black Appalachia Curated by Kreneshia Whiteside-McGee
September 1 to October 7, Tipton Gallery; August 16 to September 23, Slocumb Galleries
Opening Reception: September 2, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m., Tipton Gallery
UMOJA Festival: September 10, Saturday, 1 to 6 p.m., Face Painting at King Commons Park
Film Showing of Ramell Ross' Hale County, This Morning, This Evening: September 14, Wednesday, 7 p.m., Ball Hall Auditorium, reception at 6 p.m., Slocumb
Closing Reception with Spoken Word Poets: October 7, First Friday 6 to 8 p.m.
Poetry Reading by Nikki Giovanni: September 20, Tuesday, 6 p.m., Brown Hall Auditorium
In partnership with ETSU Black American Studies, Bert C. Bach Written Word Initiative, Department of Language & Literature, Office of Equity & Inclusion, Language & Culture Resource Center, Mary V. Jordan Multicultural Center, Student Activities Allocations Committee, Department of Appalachian Studies, Black Faculty & Staff Association, Radio, TV & Film Studies, Film & Media Studies, Black American Writers Series, Langston Centre, UMOJA Festival, Sankofa, Bottom Knox, East Tennessee Foundation, Tennessee Arts Commission APS Grant and Bravissima: Women Sponsoring the Arts
Carousel: Drawings by Christopher Capoyianes curated by Brooke Day
September 26 to October 14, 2022, Slocumb Galleries;
Reception & Curator's Talk: October 12, Wednesday, 5 to 7 p.m.
This Skin I'm In / LGBTQIA+ Photography Exhibition:
Co-curated by Starr Sariego and Tema Stauffer
October 13 to November 23, Tipton Gallery;
Reception & Artists' Talk: November 4, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.;
Panel discussion: November 14, Monday, 5 to 7 p.m., Tipton Gallery
In partnership with ETSU Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies Program, Mary V. Jordan
Multicultural Center, Student Activities Allocations Committee, Safe Zone, Tri-Cities
Pride Center, East Tennessee Foundation's Arts Fund and Bravissima: Women Sponsoring
the Arts
MSA Select: MidSouth Sculpture Alliance National Juried Exhibition
Jurors: Leticia Bajuyo and Mike Barclay
October 17 to November 11, 2022, Slocumb Galleries;
ZOOM Reception: October 25, Tuesday, 5 to 7 p.m., Zoom ID 710 908 4999
Reception and Artists' Talk: November 10, Thursday, 5 to 7 p.m., Slocumb Galleries
Yellow Book: Cities Divided, Photographs by Joanne Warwick
January 18 to February 18, Slocumb Galleries
Zoom ID 710 908 4999 Artist's Talk: January 24, 2022, 10 a.m.
Photo image by Johanna Warwick
Positive/Negative 37 National Juried Art Exhibition
February 22 to April 1, Slocumb Galleries
Juror: Kevin Tucker, Chief Curator, High Museum, Atlanta, Georgia
Juror's Lecture: March 30, Wednesday, 6 p.m., ZOOM ID 710 908 4999
America Unraveling: Zero Space Collective, Curated by Brooke Day
April 12 to May 7, Tipton Gallery
Reception & Gallery Talk: May 7, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Women's Rights Are Human Rights:
International Posters on Gender-Based Inequality, Violence, and Discrimination
Curated by Professor Emerita Elizabeth Resnick
May 2 to July 29, 2022, Slocumb Galleries
Beauty of Bio, Curated by Greta Lane
June 13 to 24, Tipton Gallery; reception: June 17, Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
In partnership with Girls Scouts of America and William King Museum Art Lab
Featuring: Lyn Govette, Greta Lane, Jocelyn Matthewes, Catherine Murray, Kelly Porter,
and Suzanne Stryk
FALL 2021
Collaboration Now: Printmaking Exhibition, Curated by Jake Ingram
August 18 to September 17, Slocumb Galleries
Reception & Gallery Talk: September 7, Tuesday, 5 to 7 p.m.
Mixed American: Negotiating Shifting Identities, Curated by Shai Perry
September 1 to October 8, Tipton Gallery
Panel on Mixed Race: September 2, Thursday, 6 p.m., The Langston Centre
Reception: September 3, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m., Tipton Gallery
Diptychs are Triptychs, Curated by Mike Calway-Fagen
September 20 to October 1, Slocumb Galleries
Featuring: Alejandro Almanza Pereda, Stefani Byrd, Crystal Z Campbell, Siobhan Landry,
Bree Newsome, TK Smith
Confluence: A Visual Discourse of US Academic Art Jewelers
Juror: Robly Glover, Texas Tech University
October 5 to 29, during National Craft Week, Slocumb Galleries
Welcome Home: Her Liminal Asian-Appalachian Experiences
Curated by Jose Ardivilla and Kreneshia Whiteside
January 19 to February 25, 2021, Slocumb Galleries; February 4 to March 19, 2021,
Tipton Gallery
Artists' Virtual Studio Visit: February 23, Tuesday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Panel on Women, Immigration and Empowerment: March 3, Wednesday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Art Now America National Juried Art Exhibition
Juror: Mike Calway-Fagen
March 2 to April 9, Slocumb Galleries
Juror's Lecture: March 24, Wednesday, 5 to 7 p.m.
Tennessee Daze Inn, Curated by Jeff Kinzel
April 15 to May 7, Tipton Gallery
Artists Virtual Talk: April 28, Wednesday, 5 to 7 p.m.
Open House: May 7, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
FALL 2020
Black Diaspora: From Africa to Appalachia to Affrilachia
Reclaiming Experience, Memory and Place
Curated by Marie Cochran, Affrilachian Artist Project and Lyn Govette, Fiber Artist
August 19 to September 11, Slocumb Galleries, and August 27 to October 16, Tipton
Art Quests: Viola Spells and Jason Flack: August 19, Wednesday, 3 p.m., Zoom & FB
Black Diaspora Panel: Conversations on Race, Education & Social Justice
September 3, Thursday, 6 p.m, Langston Centre, Virtual Zoom & FB Live
Panelists: Marie T. Cochran, Dr. Keith Johnson, Viola Spells, Frank X Walker, and
Dr. William Turner
Film showing of 'Knoxville's Red Summer' and 'Expulsion from Erwin' with Q&A William Isom II: September 9, Wednesday, 7 p.m., Virtual Zoom & FB Live
Performance by Grammy-nominated Musician Amythyst Kiah
October 2, First Friday, 6 p.m., Virtual Zoom 710 908 4999 & ETSU Slocumb Galleries
Page Facebook Live
Affrilachian Poet Frank Walker:
October 28, Wednesday, 2 p.m., Virtual Zoom & FB Live
In partnership with Langston Centre, Multicultural Center, Africana Studies, Language & Culture Resource Center, Center for Appalachian Studies & Services, Radio-TV-Film Studies and Film & Media Studies programs, with funding from the ETSU Student Activities Allocation Committee (SAAC) and Tennessee Arts Commission's APS & ABC Grants
'shelf life' by Nick Peña and 'Mi Casa Es Tu Casa' by Vanessa Gonzalez
September 29 to October 30, Slocumb Galleries
'Nostalgia' by Vanessa Gonzalez and 'house, non-house... geometry and echos' by Nick
October 29 to December 11, Tipton Gallery
Dia de los Muertos: October 30, Friday, 5 to 7 p.m., Tipton Gallery
Art Quests: October 30, via Zoom 710 908 4999 and ETSU Slocumb Galleries' page Facebook
Live, 3 p.m.
In partnership with Langston Centre, Multicultural Center, Language & Culture Resource
Center, with Funding: ETSU Student Activities Allocation Committee and Tennessee Arts
Commission's APS & ABC
ETSU Tipton & Slocumb Galleries Visiting Artists, Curators and Mentors:
Dawn Dickins, February 2025
Melissa Vandenberg, October 2024
Cris Lira, Brazilian Poet, September 2024
Kimberly English, September 2024
Michelle Fisher, Museum of Fine Art - Boston, March 2024
Amythyst Kiah, Crafting Blackness, February 2024 and October 2020
Carrie Jobe & Brian Jobe, Locate Arts, November 2023
Lisa Kwong, AppalAsian poet, November 2023
Jan Ru Wan, October 2023
David B. Smith, September 2023
Frank X Walker, Afrlachian poet, May 2023
Mark Scala, Frist Art Museum, March 2023
J. Leigh Garcia, February 2023
Nikki Giovanni+, Black poet, September 2022
Johanna Warwick, Photographer, January 2022
Robly Glover, Metalsmith, October 2021
Kelly Brown, Poet, October 2021
Jake Ingram, Tamarind Institute, September 2021
Mike Calway-Fagen, Stove Works, March 2021
Nick Pena, October 2020
Viola Spells, William Isom II, Jason Flack, August 2020
Logan Lochner, Burnaway Magazine, February 2020
Gina Mamone and Chelsea Dobert-Kehn, Queer Appalachia, February 2020
William Major, Jake Ingram, John E. May, Mary Nees, Jane Broderick, Kevin Gardner, Kymberly Day, February 2020
Jo Ann Walters, January 2020
Sisavahn Phoutavong, and Jarrod Houghton, , Paul Pak-hing Lee, , November 2019
Alejandro Acierto, November 2018 & 2019
Ashton Ludden, October 2019
Cathryn Amidei, October, 2019
Terrell Carter, and Shai Perry, September 2019
Greg Pond, September, 2019