David L. Williams, PhD
Professor of Surgery,
Division of Surgical Research
PhD, Medical Physiology, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA,
BS, Biology, Kentucky Wesleyan College, Owensboro, KY
Academic Appointments
2017 - present - Carroll H. Long Professor, Department of Surgery, Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University
2014 - present - co-Direct director of the ETSU Center of Excellence in Inflammation, Infectious Disease and Immunity (CIIDI)
1997 - 2017 - Professor, Department of Surgery, Quillen College of Medicine, East
Tennessee State University
1991 - 1997 - Associate Professor, Department of Surgery Quillen College of Medicine,
East Tennessee State University 1991 to present - Professor (adjunct), Department
of Pharmacology, Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University
1986 - 1991 - Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, Tulane University School
of Medicine
1985 - Instructor, Department of Physiology Tulane University School of Medicine
Areas of research interest
Sepsis, inflammation, innate immunity
Publication list
NCBI - My Bibliography
Chuanfu Li, MD, MS
Professor of Surgery
Division of Surgical Research
MS Pathophysiology
Nanjing Medical College, People's Republic of China
MD, Medicine
Nanjing Medical College, People's Republic of China
Areas of research interest
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury
Role of innate immunity in myocardial ischemic injury
Publication list
NCBI - My Bibliography

Tuanzhu Ha, MD, PhD
Research Instructor
Division of Surgical Research
MS, Pathophysiology
Nanjing Medical College, People's Republic of China
MD, Medicine
Nanjing Medical College, People's Republic of China

Zuchao Ma, PhD
Associate Research Professor
Division of Surgical Research
Ph.D., Carbohydrate Chemistry, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Beijing,
M.S., Chemistry, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China
Academic Appointments
2022 - present: Associate Professor Research, Dept. of Surgery, Quillen College of
Medicine, East Tennessee State University
2015 - 2022: Assistant Professor Research, Dept. of Surgery, Quillen College of Medicine,
East Tennessee State University
2015 - present: Director of the Drug Discovery and Synthesis Core, ETSU Center for
Inflammation, Infectious Disease and Immunity
2009 - 2015: Research Associate, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Guelph
2005 - 2008: Research Fellow, Institute for Glycomics, Griffith University
2004 - 2005: Research Assistant, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese
Academy of Sciences
Publication list
NCBI - My Bibliography
Tammy Ozment, DVM, PhD
Associate Professor
Division of Surgical Research
D.V.M., University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine, Knoxville, TN
Ph.D., Biomedical Science, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN
Academic Appointments
2016 - present: Associate Professor (tenure track), Dept of Surgery, East Tennessee
State University, Johnson City, TN
2009-2016: Research Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery, East Tennessee State University,
Johnson City, TN
2006 – 2009: Post Doctoral Fellow, Dept of Surgery, East Tennessee State University,
Johnson City, TN
Publication list
NCBI - My Bibliography

Anthony DeLucia, PhD
Professor of Research
Undergraduate School:
University of California
Riverside, CA
Health Care Economics
Disease Management
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Mark Kleinman, MD
Undergraduate School:
Emory University
Atlanta, GA
Medical School:
New York University School of Medicine
University of Kentucky
New York University
University of Kentucky
Residency and Vitreoretinal Fellowship: University of Kentucky
Defining the molecular interface of angiogenesis and cell death mediators within the
biological spectrum of immune-related inflammation in retinal diseases with a focus
on epigenetic regulation of gene expression in the retinal pigment epithelium