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The Division of Vascular Surgery at East Tennessee State University has had a long and respected tradition for excellence in the care of patients with peripheral arterial and venous diseases.
In addition to maintaining a busy vascular surgical practice, Dr. Rush is actively involved in teaching and clinical research. Of particular interest to the faculty are problems related to aneurysmal disease, premature atherosclerosis, recurrent carotid artery stenosis, and evolving vascular laboratory technology. The Division of Vascular Surgery is proud to be a part of the Department of Surgery at the James H. Quillen College of Medicine.
Dr. Daniel S. Rush, the Vascular Surgery Director, is a member of the Division practice general vascular surgery at the Johnson City Medical Center and the James H. Quillen Veterans Affairs Medical Center. The quality and case volume of the Vascular Surgery program is also greatly enhanced by the clinical faculty at the Johnson City Medical Center, Holston Valley Medical Center in Kingsport, and the Bristol Regional Medical Center.
As a result, Surgery Residents finish the ETSU training program with some of the broadest experience in vascular surgery found anywhere in the United States.His case volume in the index vascular operations is typically in the 90th percentile compared to Surgery Residents nationwide.