URHP Honors College Contact

Dr. Cerrone Foster
Interim Director of Undergraduate Research Honors Program
- fosterc@etsu.edu
- 423-439-8449
- Brown Hall Room 325
URHP Discipline Coordinators
College of Arts and Sciences
- Biology:
Dr. Cerrone Foster, 423-439-8449, fosterc@etsu.edu - Chemistry:
Dr. Marina Roginskaya, 423-439-4367, roginska@etsu.edu - Communication Studies:
Dr. Andrew Herrmann, 423-439-7563, herrmanna@etsu.edu - Criminal Justice:
Dr. Jennifer Pealer, 423-439-6810, pealerj@etsu.edu
Engineering Technology:
Dr. Joseph Shrestha, 423-439-7821, shresthak@etsu.edu - English:
Dr. Shawna Lichtenwalner, 423-439-5990, lichtenw@etsu.edu - Geosciences:
Dr. Joshua Samuels, 423-439-7515, samuelsjx@etsu.edu
Dr. Arpita Nandi, 423-439-6086, nandi@etsu.edu - History:
Dr. Jennifer Adler, 423-439-6687, adlerj@etsu.edu - Mathematics:
Dr. Rick Norwood, 423-439-6972, norwoodr@etsu.edu - Philosophy:
Dr. Allen Coates, 423 439-6622, coatesa@etsau.edu - Physics and Astronomy:
Dr. Mark Giroux, 423-439-8684, girouxm@etsu.edu - Psychology:
Dr. Aubrey Dueweke, 423-439-6657, dueweke@etsu.edu - Theatre and Dance:
Melissa Shafer, 423-439-5837, shaferm@etsu.edu
College of Business and Technology
- Accountancy:
Dr. Ashley Bentley, 423-439-8656, bentleyab@etsu.edu - Computing:
Dr. Bajracharya Biju, 423-439-6961, bajracharya@etsu.edu - Digital Media:
Saritdikhun Somasa, 423-439-5118, somasa@etsu.edu - Economics and Finance:
Dr. Xin Xie, 423-439-5365, xiex01@etsu.edu - Engineering Technology:
Dr. Joseph Shrestha, 423-439-7821, shresthak@etsu.edu - Management and Marketing:
Dr. Kelly Atkins, 423-439-5384, atkins@etsu.edu
College of Clinical & Rehabilitative Health Sciences
- Nutrition:
Dr. Mary Andreae, 4234 439-7538, andreae@etsu.edu
Clemmer College of Education and Human Development
- Early Childhood Education:
Dr. Kathryn Sharp, 423-439-7608, sharplk@etsu.edu - Special Education:
Dr. Pam Mims, 423-439-7145, mimspj@etsu.edu - Teacher Education:
Dr. Laura Robertson, 423-439-7678, robertle@etsu.edu
College of Nursing
- Nursing:
Dr. Kendrea Todt, 423-439-4074, todtkl@etsu.edu
College of Public Health
- Environmental Health:
Dr. Phil Scheuerman, 423-439-7078, philsche@etsu.edu - Health Sciences - Human Health/Health Sciences:
Dr. Allan Forsman, 423-439-4502, forsman@etsu.edu - Health Sciences - Microbiology:
Dr. Allan Forsman, 423-439-4502, forsman@etsu.edu