How to Order an Journal Article or Book:
This service allows you to order an article or book not held in the ETSU libraries, or to pay the library to scan copies of print articles held in the Medical Library. There are three common ways to order – it is up to you which you prefer to use.
- Sending a direct email request to the interlibrary loan department via – for journal articles, books, or other materials
- Using the online order form to submit a request – for journal articles, books, or other materials
- Order directly through PubMed – for journal articles only
More detailed instructions including screenshots are available here. If you have any questions after reviewing this document, please direct them to Kelly
Loyd at or (423)439-7032.
Cost of Journal Articles for ETSU
The ETSU Medical Library provides interlibrary loan services to faculty, staff and students with the Colleges of Medicine, Pharmacy and the Physical Therapy program at no cost.
Average delivery time for articles is 1-2 days. Average delivery time for books is 1-2 weeks.
Cost of ILL Journal Articles/Books for Non-Affiliated Individual Clients
$15.00 (plus lending library cost if applicable)
Medical Library (ML) Document Delivery
Journal articles for all patrons, ETSU students/staff and non-affiliated, are delivered in PDF format via patron's email address.Books are delivered via university or postal service mail or upon pickup in the Medical Library.
ETSU Students ILL/ML document delivery costs are billed to the student's online library account. At the student's convenience, he/she may stop by the Circulation Desk in the Medical Library to pay the fee.
ETSU Faculty, Physicians, Residents, Staff - ILL/ML document delivery costs are billed to the patron's department.
Non-Affiliated Invoiced monthly.
Individuals who are not affiliated with the colleges of Medicine, Pharmacy or the Physical Therapy program will need to make interlibrary loan requests from the Sherrod Library. The Sherrod ILL link is here: