All students completing a bachelor degree at ETSU are required to complete the California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST). Students who have completed 75% of their degree program should schedule a time to take the CCTST. For more information about the CCTST and other exams visit
Students who live outside of the area can visit this page for information on taking the CCTST at a local testing center:
Some students qualify for an exemption from the CCTST. To find out if you qualify for an exemption, please contact the Office of Assessment at or (423) 439-7484 if:
- You have already taken the California Critical Thinking Skills Test
- You are a second degree candidate
- You are registered with Disability Services
- English is not your primary language.
Students who do not meet this requirement will not graduate.
Major Field Test
The Major Field Assessment is designed to provide incentives for institutions to improve the quality of undergraduate major field programs as evaluated by the performance of graduates on approved examinations. Programs are considered successful if they score at or above a comparison score. All undergraduate programs will be reported once during the 2020-2025 cycle with the exception of licensure exams, which will report annually. Approximately 20% of programs at the University are tested each year. See schedule here for the years each program will test. All students graduating in the fall and spring semesters of a testing year are required to be tested.
In addition, students majoring in the following will be required to complete a major field test:
· Communication Studies
· Foreign Language
· International Affairs (beginning Spring 2019)
· Media and Communication
· Music (beginning Fall 2020)
· Political Science
· Psychology
· Sociology
· Sports & Leisure/Recreation Management
Students should check with their major department for more information. Testing information
is subject to change.
Students will be contacted by their departments with dates and locations of tests.