Grades earned in transfer courses for students applying to ETSU on August 1, 2015 and after will not be included in the overall GPA.
Prior to August 1, 2015 the overall GPA included all college-level coursework (ETSU
and any transfer). Effective August 1, 2015, ETSU implemented the Tennessee Board
of Regents' state-wide policy on transfer credit and GPA calculations. Therefore;
the overall GPA will reflect only ETSU coursework for those students whose transfer credit was processed on August
1 and after. Transfer grades posted with a leading T will not be calculated in the
overall or overall combined GPA.
NOTE: Beginning Summer 2015, a Tennessee Board of Regents' state-wide policy on transfer credit and GPA calculations took effect. Beginning Summer 2015, transfer credit will be reflected in earned hours, but will no longer apply to the overall GPA (used to determine undergraduate graduation, graduation with distinction, and athletic eligibility) or to the overall combined GPA (used to determine academic standing, financial aid.) Even after Summer 2015, transfer work will be used in the determination of eligibility for the Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship Program and for general scholarships.
- For New Transfer students admitted August 1, 2015 and later, no transfer credit will count in the overall or the overall combined GPA.
- For Readmitted students readmitted August 1, 2015 and later, no transfer credit taken since last attending ETSU will count in the overall or the overall combined GPA. Any transfer work previously processed will continue to be reflected in the GPAs.
- For Continuing students, no transfer credit submitted to and received by ETSU on August 1, 2015 or later will count in the overall or the overall combined GPA. Any transfer work previously processed will continue to be reflected in the GPAs.
Definitions for the various GPA types can be found here.