To receive licensure to teach Visual Art K-12 in Tennessee, several options exist for students pursuing degrees and coursework at ETSU. At the undergraduate level, students pursue the B.A. degree in Studio Art and a minor in Teacher Education.
The studio classes included in the degree program were selected to provide the candidate with basic information common across the visual arts (the Foundations classes) and to provide students with skills needed and determined by the Tennessee Department of Education. Much of the information included in the studio classes is needed in order to successfully complete the PRAXIS II exams.
For undergraduate students pursuing licensure to teach art, early communication with advisors is recommended. Students should file the Declaration of Intent with the College of Education before the completion of 30 credit hours (See the Teacher Education document for more details). Undergraduate students will have an advisor in the Department of Art & Design as well as an advisor in the College of Education.
The MAT program (Master of Arts degree in Teaching) is for students who already have an undergraduate degree in art but who did not receive licensure to teach. This program is administered by the College of Education.
B.A. Studio Art Education Minor