Faculty and Staff
David Dixon
M.F.A. University of TennesseeProfessor - Graphic Design
- dixon@etsu.edu
- 423-439-4206
- 212 Ball Hall
Michael Anthony Fowler
Ph.D. Columbia UniversityAssistant Professor - Art History
- fowlerma@etsu.edu
- 423-439-5297
- 309 Ball Hall
Mira Gerard
M.F.A. University of GeorgiaProfessor - Painting
- gerard@etsu.edu
- 423-439-5811
- 310 Ball Hall
Travis Graves
M.F.A. University of WisconsinProfessor - Sculpture
- gravest@etsu.edu
- 423-439-8303
- 109-B Art Annex
Mindy Herrin-Lewis
M.F.A. Indiana UniversityProfessor - Jewelry / Metals
- herrin@etsu.edu
- 423-439-5393
- B-011 Ball Hall
Tao Huang
Ph.D. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityDepartment Chair / Professor - Graphic Design
- huangt@etsu.edu
- 423-439-5296
- 121 Ball Hall
Scott Contreras-Koterbay
Ph.D. University of St. Andrews - ScotlandProfessor - Art History
- koterbay@etsu.edu
- 423-439-5692
- 211 Gilbreath Hall
Yi Liu
Ph.D. University of California - San DiegoAssistant Professor - Art History
Sage Perrott
M.F.A. Ohio UniversityAssociate Professor - Printmaking
- perrott@etsu.edu
- 423-439-5088
- 407 Ball Hall
Kelly Porter
M.F.A. University of TennesseeAssociate Professor - Graphic Design
- porterk@etsu.edu
- 423-439-4292
- 409 Ball Hall
Tema Stauffer
M.F.A. University of Illinois - ChicagoAssociate Professor - Photography
- stauffert@etsu.edu
- 423-439-5688
- 114 Ball Hall
Johnathon Strube
M.F.A. Northern Illinois UniversityAssistant Professor - Graphic Design
- strube@etsu.edu
- 423-439-4627
- 410 Ball Hall
Mathew Wheeler
M.F.A. Indiana UniversityVisiting Assistant Professor - Ceramics
- wheelerm@etsu.edu
- 423-439-7864
- 106 Art Annex
Adjunct Faculty
Akintayo Akintobi
M.F.A. East Tennessee State UniversityEmail for Virtual Appointment
Joanna Barnett
M.A.T. East Tennessee State UniversityEmail for Virtual Appointment
Dr. Elizabeth Cyron
Ph.D. Pennsylvania State UniversityEmail for Virtual Appointment
Delaney Rogers
M.F.A. East Tennessee State UniversityEmail for a Virtual Appointment
Katie Sheffield
M.F.A. East Tennessee State UniversityEmail for Virtual Appointment
Gregory Smith
M.F.A. East Tennessee State UniversityEmail for a Virtual Appointment
Department Staff
Karlota Contreras-Koterbay
M.A. University of the Phillipines - DilimanDirector Slocumb Galleries
- contrera@etsu.edu
- 423-439-4291
- 106 Ball Hall
Amber Farley
M.Ed. East Tennessee State UniversityExecutive Aide
- farleyad@etsu.edu
- 423-439-4247
- 121 Ball Hall
Kevin Reaves
M.F.A. East Tennessee State UniversityArt Technician
- reavesk@etsu.edu
- 423-439-7077
- B-009 Ball Hall
Katie Sheffield
M.F.A. East Tennessee State UniversityCurator Visual Resource Center
- sheffieldk@etsu.edu
- 423-439-5712
- 213 Ball Hall
Professor Emeritus
Dr. Vida Hull
Ph.D. Bryn Mawr CollegeProfessor Emeritus
Patricia Mink
M.F.A. Eastern Michigan UniversityProfessor Emeritus