Meet our team! If you see us at a Bert C. Bach Literary Event, please come up and say hello.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments about our literary events or this website.

Dr. Jesse Graves
Jesse Graves grew up in Sharps Chapel, Tennessee, where his ancestors settled in the 1780s. He is the author of four poetry collections, including Tennessee Landscape with Blighted Pine, Basin Ghosts, Specter Mountain (co-authored with William Wright), and Merciful Days, and a collection of essays, Said-Songs: Essays on Poetry and Place. His work received the James Still Award for Writing about the Appalachian South from the Fellowship of Southern Writers and the Philip H. Freund Prize for Creative Writing from Cornell University, as well as two Weatherford Awards from Berea College and the Appalachian Studies Association. Graves served as co-editor for several collections of poetry and scholarship, including four volumes of The Southern Poetry Anthology and The Complete Poems of James Agee. He teaches at East Tennessee State University, where he is Poet-in-Residence and Professor of English.

Lacy Snapp
Assistant Director
Lacy Snapp is a poet, adjunct professor, and woodworker in East Tennessee. Her first chapbook, Shadows on Wood, was published in 2021 by Finishing Line Press. She teaches at East Tennessee State University, runs her business, Luna’s Woodcraft, and serves on the board of the Johnson City Poets Collective and as the 2022-2023 Chair of Programs for the Poetry Society of Tennessee. She is an MFA graduate Vermont College of Fine Arts for poetry and creative nonfiction. Her work including poetry, interviews, reviews, and nonfiction appears in About Place Journal, The Ekphrastic Review, Appalachian Journal, Still: The Journal, Snapdragon, Tupelo Quarterly, Mildred Haun Review, Black Moon Magazine, Red Mud Review, and Appalachian Places, among others.
Printed material related to the festival should go to the following address:
Bert C. Bach Written Word Initiative
Attn: Dr. Jesse Graves
c/o ETSU Department of Literature and Language
P. O. Box 70683
Johnson City, TN 37614
One can also contact the ETSU Literature and Language Department by phoning (423) 439-4339.