ETSU Spring Literary Festival
All daytime events of the festival will take place in the Reece Museum.
Tuesday, April 22
7:00 PM: Join us for a special Lit Fest kickoff event as we launch the new novel,
Streets of Nashville, from our colleague Dr. Michael Cody.
Hosted by Atlas Books at The Generalist. Reading and Q & A, with book signing to follow.
Wednesday, April 23
10:30-11:20: Welcome and Introductions, Student Winners of The Mockingbird Awards
with editors Erika Perez Cortazar and Briana Presley
11:30-12:20: New Writing from ETSU, featuring Amy Wright and Megan Krupa
1:40-3:00: Poetry Writing, with Gaylord Brewer
3:10-4:30: Fiction Writing, with Carter Sickels
Thursday, April 24
10:15-11:45: Public Reading and Q&A with Carter Sickels, Erika Howsare, and Gaylord
1:20-2:40: Nonfiction Writing, with Erika Howsare
3:00- 4:00: Conversation with Helena María Viramontes
7:00 PM: 10th Annual Jack Higgs Memorial Reading, Helena María Viramontes, Public
Reading and Audience Q&A. East Tennessee Room, Culp 272.
The Jack Higgs Memorial Reading will be in the East Tennessee Room, Culp 272.