Any of the classes below may be taken to fulfill a requirement for the Women's, Gender,
and Sexuality Studies minor. Email usif you have questions.
Upcoming Courses
Courses subject to change
WGSS Courses
SUMMER SESSION 2 - Introduction to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies - 51463- WGSS 2010 - 900 | Marsh | Course ONLINE (3.00 hrs)
Introduces this interdisciplinary academic field that has a triple focus: integrating information about women’s contributions to culture and history into the curriculum; uncovering and understanding structures of oppression (gender, sexuality, race, and class), and exploring possibilities for change. Topics for reading and discussion are drawn from material on social structures, law, language, history, religion, philosophy, the healing professions, and the arts. Articulating questions and points of view regarding issues related to gender and sexuality is emphasized.
Approved Electives
American Literature since 1865 - 51480 - ENGL 2120 - 950 | Holmes | ONLINE (3.00 hrs) This section has a focus on women authors and carries a women's emphasis designation. Surveys important American writers from 1865 to the present.
Psych of Gender and Sexuality - 51495 - PSYC 3300 - 910 | Williams | ONLINE (3.00 hrs)
Explores theories and research focused on gender and sexuality in the science and practice of psychology, with an emphasis on the critical evaluation of research findings and methodology. Readings and discussions encourage applying an intersectional lens, considering how multiple dimensions of identity and privilege may differentiate experience and life outcomes.
Cultural Diversity - 51125 - SOWK 1030 - 950 | Boa | ONLINE (3.00 hrs)
Introduces the knowledge necessary for social work practice with disadvantaged, marginalized, and oppressed groups and advances a philosophy that people come first and must be treated with dignity and respect. Issues of power, privilege, prejudice, discrimination, oppression, civil rights, historical and legal heritage, and contemporary news events are central course components. Opportunities are provided for examining personal values and beliefs and their impact on interactions with minority groups. Although several aspects of diversity are examined, the emphasis is on race, class, gender, ethnicity, and affectional orientation. Implications for sensitive, effective, and affirming practice with minority groups are examined.
Human Sexuality - 51126 - SOWK 4567 - 990 | Boa | ONLINE (3.00 hrs)
Surveys human sexuality and introduces students to sexual attitudes, sexual physiology and response, sexual techniques and behavior, reproduction and reproductive control, sexually transmitted diseases, and how sexual behavior is learned and developed, i.e., psychosocial development and cultural impact. It provides the opportunity for value clarification and exploration of personal and social attitudes toward varying forms of sexual behavior and orientations.
Undst Cult Diversity - 51790 - HDAL 2340 - 950 | Zorotovich | ONLINE (3.00 hrs)
This course is designed for the student to develop competencies that allow her/ him to be more effective when relating and/or working with individuals of diverse groups in society. Students will have opportunities to develop awareness of their own cultural values and biases, to study prevalent beliefs and attitudes of different cultures, and to develop skills useful for appropriate interactions with particular groups.
FALL 2025
WGSS Courses
Introduction to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies - WGSS 2010 (3.00 hrs)
Introduces this interdisciplinary academic field that has a triple focus: integrating information about women’s contributions to culture and history into the curriculum; uncovering and understanding structures of oppression (gender, sexuality, race, and class), and exploring possibilities for change. Topics for reading and discussion are drawn from material on social structures, law, language, history, religion, philosophy, the healing professions, and the arts. Articulating questions and points of view regarding issues related to gender and sexuality is emphasized.
- 82751 | -001 | Clark | TR 8:35-9:55
- 82752 | -002 | Tolley | TR 11:45-1:05
- 82753 | -003 | Buck | TR 1:20-2:40
- 82754 | -900 | Martin | ONLINE
- 82755 | -901 | Clark | ONLINE
- 82756 | -902 | Isbister | ONLINE
- LATE START 82757 | -903 | Marsh | ONLINE
Special Topics in WGSS: Black Feminist Thought | Swindle | TR 10:10-11:30 (3.00 hrs)
This course offers an in-depth exploration of Black Feminist Thought, examining its intellectual roots, key frameworks, and how Black women have theorized their unique social positions. We will engage with foundational and contemporary thinkers who challenge traditional feminist paradigms and prioritize intersectionality in analyzing race, gender, class, and sexuality. The course will cover a range of Black feminist perspectives, including but not limited to Africana Womanism, Womanist theology, and other critical approaches to feminist thought from the African diaspora. Students will critically engage with seminal texts by authors such as bell hooks, Audre Lorde, Patricia Hill Collins, and Clenora Hudson-Weems. These texts will be complemented by contemporary essays and case studies that reflect how Black feminism intersects with broader social justice movements, including struggles for racial justice, LGBTQ+ rights, and global liberation. Through lectures, discussions, and writing assignments, students will develop a nuanced understanding of the diverse theoretical frameworks that inform Black feminist thought and the implications of these ideas for activism and social change.
- UNDERGRADUATE | 82758 | 4957-001
- GRADUATE | 82760 | 5957-001
Gender and Violence - 83167 - WGSS 3410 - 900 | Gilbertson | ONLINE (3.00 hrs)
Explores the intersections of gender and violence with an examination of forms and types of violence, including sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, and sexual harassment as well as socio-cultural, sexual, economic, political, and epistemic violence.
Feminist Thought and Practice - 83192 - WGSS 3330 - 001 | Williams | MW 3:10-4:30 (3.00 hrs) Prerequisites: WGSS 2010 or WGSS 2020 or WGSS 2110. Explores a variety of theoretical frameworks for studying women, gender, and sexuality and links feminist theory to social action and civic responsibility.
Sex, Gender, and The Body - 83544 - WGSS 2110 - 900 | Russell | ONLINE (3.00 hrs)
Examines the diverse and historically varying relationships forged between biological sex, culturally formulated discourses of masculinity and femininity, and the sexed body. Combining theoretical and historical texts from the fields of gender, sexuality, and disability studies with memoir, documentary, and visual art, this course investigates how the diverse experiences of embodiment are historically and politically shaped.
Independent Study - 83169 - WGSS 4900 - 001 | Williams | (3.00 hrs)
Offers independent study, under faculty supervision, in an area of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies not covered by Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies curriculum. Students desiring to use this option must prepare a proposal, in consultation with the faculty member, that describes the course objectives, learning outcomes, reading list, course requirements and their due dates, and method of faculty evaluation of the student’s work. Proposal must be approved by the program director.
WGSS Internship - 83168 - WGSS 4080 - 001 | Williams | (3.00 hrs) Prerequisites: WGSS 2010, senior standing, and director approval. Provides supervised experience with a professional, non-profit, civic, or other social justice group work experience that synthesizes the student’s program of study. A mandatory orientation meeting is required, and a completed internship permission form must be completed before working any hours on site.
Approved Electives
American Literature since 1865 - ENGL 2120 | Holmes | Course ONLINE (3.00 hrs) This section has a focus on women authors and carries a women's emphasis designation. Surveys important American writers from 1865 to the present.
- 81701 | -901
- 81702 | - 902
Women in the Ancient World - 82359 - HIST 3313 - 001 | Burgess | MWF 10:30-11:25 (3.00 hrs) A study of the history and circumstances of women in antiquity, including the cultures of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, and Rome.
Human Sexuality - 81167 - SOWK 4567 - 900 | TBD | Course ONLINE (3.00 hrs)
Surveys human sexuality and introduces students to sexual attitudes, sexual physiology and response, sexual techniques and behavior, reproduction and reproductive control, sexually transmitted diseases, and how sexual behavior is learned and developed, i.e., psychosocial development and cultural impact. It provides the opportunity for value clarification and exploration of personal and social attitudes toward varying forms of sexual behavior and orientations.
Cultural Diversity - SOWK 1030 | Boa | (3.00 hrs)
Introduces the knowledge necessary for social work practice with disadvantaged, marginalized, and oppressed groups and advances a philosophy that people come first and must be treated with dignity and respect. Issues of power, privilege, prejudice, discrimination, oppression, civil rights, historical and legal heritage, and contemporary news events are central course components. Opportunities are provided for examining personal values and beliefs and their impact on interactions with minority groups. Although several aspects of diversity are examined, the emphasis is on race, class, gender, ethnicity, and affectional orientation. Implications for sensitive, effective, and affirming practice with minority groups are examined.
- 81141 | - 001 | TR 9-10:20
- 81142 | - 900 | ONLINE
Undst Cult Diversity - HDAL 2340 | (3.00 hrs)
This course is designed for the student to develop competencies that allow her/ him to be more effective when relating and/or working with individuals of diverse groups in society. Students will have opportunities to develop awareness of their own cultural values and biases, to study prevalent beliefs and attitudes of different cultures, and to develop skills useful for appropriate interactions with particular groups.
- 83600 | -901 | Thompson | ONLINE
- 83601 | - 902 | TBA | ONLINE
- 83602 | - 903 | White | ONLINE