Rod Handy
Chair and Professor, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety
423-439-5251 / handyr@etsu.edu
157 Lamb Hall
Johnson City, TN 37614
423-439-5251 / handyr@etsu.edu
157 Lamb Hall
Johnson City, TN 37614
PhD Environmental Engineering Sciences, 1995
Master Business Administration (MBA), 1989
BS Mechanical Engineering Technology, 1983
AAS Mechanical Engineering Technology, 1981
Professor, School of Medicine
Professor, College of Engineering
Professor, College of Technology
Associate Professor, College of Science and Technology
Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) – 1999 to present
- Spooner, S., Handy, R., Daher, N., Edie, R., Henry, T, Spooner, S. (2023). A comparison of ambient ethylene oxide concentrations from modeling estimates of stack and fugitive emission source to canister-based measurements in the Salt Lake Valley. Air, 1(3), 175-183; https://doi.org/10.3390/air1030013.
- Boregowda, S., Handy, R., Bae, E., and Whitt, M. (2023). Entropic assessment of physiological stress response using statistical process control charts. International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, 18(2), 335-340; https://doi.org/10.18280/ijdne.180210.
- Peck, A., Handy, R., Sleeth, D., Schaefer, C., Zhang, Y., Pahler, L., Ramsay, J., and Collingwood, S. (2023). Aerosol measurement degradation in low-cost particle sensors using laboratory calibration field validation. Toxics, 11(1), 56; https://doi.org/10.3390/toxic11010056.
- Mashhadi, A., Handy, R., Farhadmanesh, M., Honda, T., Sleeth, D., Henry, T. (2022). Feasibility study of using nebulizer-retrofitted UAVs at construction projects: The case study of residential jobsites in Utah. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 148(10) 05022009.
- Agyemang, D., Madden, E., English, K., Venner, K., Handy, R. Singh, T., Qeadan, F. (2022). A Trend Analysis of the Prevalence of Opioid Misuse, Social Support, and Suicide Attempt among American Indian/Alaska Native High School Students in New Mexico: 2009-2019 Youth Risk Resiliency Survey (YRRS). BMC Public Health, 22(370).
- Agyemang, D., Madden, E., English, K., Venner, K., Handy, R. Singh, T., Qeadan, F. (2022). The mediation and moderation effect of social support on the relationship between opioid misuse and suicide attempts among Native American youth in New Mexico: 2009-2019 Youth Risk Resiliency Survey (NM-YRRS). BMC Psychiatry, 22(243).
- Scholl, L., Thiese, M., Handy, R. (2022). Incidence of workers’ compensation claims in opioid-using truck drivers. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 64(4), 314-319.
- Young, B., Sleeth, D., Handy, R. and Pahler, L. (2021). The recovery of volatile organic compounds and volatile sulfur compounds in fused- silica lined canisters, polyvinyl fluoride/Tedlar® bags, and foil-lined bags. ACS Chemical Health & Safety 28(6), 426-435.
- Reeves, K., Loder, R., Handy, R., Sleeth, D., Schaefer, C. (2021). A review of anthropogenic environmental hazards encountered by National Park first responders. Disaster Medicine, 9, 1-2.
- Handy, R., Jackman, J., Moloney-Johns, A., Loder. R., Curran, S., Valentin, V., Rolls, J., and Schaefer, C. (2021). Administering a physician assistant program during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Physician Education Association, 32(2), 119-122.
- Robello, R., Lake, K, Handy, R., Sleeth, D., Schaefer, C., and Collingwood, S. (2021). A quantitative comparison of heavy metals concentrations in the soils on two Rocky Mountain West tribal reservations. Journal of Student Research, 10(1). doi.org/10.47611/jsr.v10i1.1182.
- Ellis, M., Handy, R., Pahler, L., Sleeth, D., and Schaefer, C. (2021). A pilot observational study comparing wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) parameter measurements as a result of kitchen configurations. Journal of Student Research, 10(1). doi.org/10.47611/jsr.v10i1.1181.
- Boregowda, S., Downing, B., and Handy R. (2021). Quantitative assessment of psychophysiological stress reactivity using thermodynamics. Journal of Human Ergology, 50(1), 29-38.
- Webb, L., Handy, R., Stenberg, J., Sleeth, D., Schaefer, C., Qeadan, F., and Collingwood, S. (2021). Indoor air quality issues for Rocky Mountain West tribes. Frontiers in Public Health 9:606430. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.606430.
- Mecate, D., Handy, R., Pahler, L., Sleeth, D., and Ramsay, J., C. Schaefer (2020). Temperature inversion and ultrafine particulate/near ultrafine particulate matter concentrations in the Salt Lake Valley. Technium: Romanian Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology, 2(7), 422-435.
- Phillips, H., Handy, R. Sleeth, D., Thiese, M., Schaefer, C., and Stubbs, J. (2020). Taking the “LEED” in indoor air quality: Does certification result in healthier buildings? Journal of Green Building, 15(3), 55-66.
- Haggerty, L., Reischl, U., Handy, R., Sleeth, D., Adams, K, and Schaefer, C. (2020). The thermodynamics of indoor air pollution: A pilot study emulating traditional Kenyan cooking techniques. Sustainable Cities and Society, 53, 101926.
- Thomas, J., Pahler, L., Handy, R., Thiese, M., and Schaefer, C. (2019). Pilot study predicting body core temperatures in hot work environments using thermal imagery. Journal of Chemical Health and Safety, 26(6), 75-83.
- Thiese, M., Okorie, O., Murtaugh, M., Sheng, X., Handy, R. and Hegmann, K. (2019). Relationships between poor health and calories from fat among commercial drivers. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 61(11), 944-948.
- Cox, A., Handy, R., Thiese, M. and Sleeth, D. (2019). Development of an empirical formula for describing human inhalability of particles at low wind speeds and calm air. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 63(9), 1046-1060.
- Borsh, F., Sleeth, D., Handy, R., Pahler, L., Andrews, R., and Ashley, K. (2019). Evaluation of a 25-mm disposable sampler relative to the inhalable aerosol convention. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 16(9), 634-642. doi.org/10.1080/15459624.2019.1632463
- Pahler, L., Zmoos, J., Wong, B., Sleeth, D., Handy, R., and Collingwood, S. (2019). Investigating measurement variation of modified low-cost particle sensors. Journal of Aerosol Science, 135, 21-32. doi.org/10.1016/j.jaerosci.2019.04.017
- Cox, A., Sleeth, D., Handy, R., and Alaves, V. (2019). Characterization of CO and NO2 exposures of ice skating rink maintenance. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 16(2), 101-108.
- Clingenpeel, S., Handy, R., Pahler, L., and Sleeth, D. (2019). A comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of wipe sampling materials to remove beryllium from differently textured surfaces using zinc oxide as a surrogate. Journal of Chemical Health and Safety, 26(1), 15-22.
- Vercellino, R., Sleeth, D., Handy, R., Collingwood, S. (2018). Laboratory evaluation of a low-cost, real-time, networked aerosol multi-sensor. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 15(7), 559-567.
- Jackson, M., Nelson, J., Whitfield, M., Morrell, J., Handy, R., and Schmidt, P. (2018). Chip formation and similarity in the plano-grinding of explosive surrogates. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 232(12), 2071-2082. doi:10.1177/0954405416683972
- Pahler L., McKenzie-Smith, D., Handy, R., and Sleeth, D. (2018). Development of custom calibration factors for respirable silica using standard methods compared to photometric monitoring data. Journal of Chemical Health and Safety, 25(1), 27-35.
- Thorsen, M., Handy, R., Sleeth, D., Thiese, M., and Riches, N. (2017). A comparison study between previous and current shoreline concentrations of heavy metals at the Great Salt Lake using portable x-ray fluorescence. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 23(8), 1941-1954.
- Boregowda, S., Handy, R., Sleeth, D., and Riches, N. (2017). Using thermodynamic degradation approach to quantify human stress response. Journal of Thermodynamics, 2017 (Article ID #7546823), 8 pages. doi:10.1155/2017/7546823.
- Schmidt, P., Nelson, J., Handy, R., Morrell, J., Jackson, M., and Rees, T. (2017). Non-contact measurements of acoustic emissions from the single point turning process. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 93(9), 3907-3920.
- Simons, A., Handy, R., Pahler, L., Sleeth, D., and Thiese, M. (2017). A comparison study between passive and active workplace personal air monitoring techniques for airborne isopropyl alcohol concentrations. Journal of Chemical Health and Safety, 26(6), 36-43.
- Jackson, M., Lathery, E., Whitfield, M., Handy, R., da Silva, M., Machado, A., and da Silva, R. (2017). Computational analysis of turning G10530 steel to eliminate chip crowding using variable cutting speeds. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 92(5-8), 2341-2363.
- Jackson, M., Novakov, T., Whitfield, M., Robinson, G., Handy, R., Sein, H., and Ahmed, W. (2017). VFCVD diamond-coated cutting tools for micro-machining titanium alloy Ti6Al4V. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 92(5-8), 2881-2918.
- Stewart, J., Sleeth, D., Handy, R., Pahler, L., Anthony, R., and Volckens, J. (2017). Assessment of increased sampling flow rates in a disposable, inhalable aerosol sampler. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Hygiene, 14(3), 207-213.
- Boregowda, S., Handy, R., Sleeth, D., and Merryweather, A. (2017). Constructal model of Fitts’s law to predict speed-accuracy trade-off. International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics. 12(1), 44-54.
- Holm, C., Pahler, L., Thiese, M. and Handy, R. (2016). Evaluation of physiological strain in hot work areas using thermal imagery. Journal of Thermal Biology, 61(10), 8-15.
- Schmidt, P., Handy, R., Anderson, T., Rees, T., Morrell, J., and Jackson M. (2016). Residual surface stress: Comparing traditional and modulated tool path machining processes. Materials Science and Technology, 32(14), 1471-1483.
- Boregowda, S., Handy, R., Sleeth, D., and Merryweather, A. (2016). Physiological entropy generation as a metric to characterize human system stress response. Journal of Thermodynamics, 2016 (Article ID #4932710), 8 pages. doi:10.1155/2016/4932710.
- Handy, R., Newell, D., Dunn, B., and Yang, W. (2015). Four-gas air monitors: A survey of first responders’ competencies. Fire Engineering, 168(11), 53-61.
- Whitt, M., Duvall-Couetil, N., Handy, R., Boregowda, S., and Senarith, P. (2013). Value mitosis – a methodology to develop community empowerment. Journal of International Business and Economics, 13(3), 97-110.
- Boregowda, S., and Handy, R. (2013). Conceptual framework for complexity modeling of societal stress and biophysical resilience. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 8(6), 413-418.
- Rodgers, K., Handy, R., Hutzel, W. (2013). Energy reduction using biofiltration in a highly efficient residential home. Journal of Green Building, 8(1), 21-27.
- Handy, R. (2023, October). Toxicology for the Non-Toxicologist. Professional development course presented at the 39th Annual Utah Conference on Safety and Industrial Hygiene, Salt Lake City, UT. (Invited)
- Sleeth, D., Arashid, M., Charles, C., Babits, S., Goggles, D., Handy, R., and Collingwood, S. (2023, August). Preliminary Investigation of the Use of Citizen Science and Real-Time Exposure Feedback on Indoor Air Quality in Tribal Homes (ID# 532). Poster session presentation at ISES 2023 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
- Spooner, S., Handy, R., Daher, N., Edie, R., Henry, T, Spooner, S. (2023, May). A comparison of ambient ethylene oxide concentrations from modeling estimates of stack and fugitive emission source to canister-based measurements in the Salt Lake Valley. Poster session presentation at American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exhibition (AIHce), Phoenix, AZ.
- Spooner, S., Handy, R., Daher, N., Edie, R., Henry, T, Spooner, S. (2023, March). A comparison of ambient ethylene oxide concentrations from modeling estimates of stack and fugitive emission source to canister-based measurements in the Salt Lake Valley. Poster session presentation at 7th Annual Air Quality: Science for Solutions Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. (3rd place)
- Spruit, L., Bell D., O’Flanerty K., Lombardi, D., Handy, R., Coombs, J. (2022). COVID-19 severity in people living with HIV: A pilot study in the Rocky Mountain Wes JAAPA, Dec 1;35(12):1. Abstract
- Catherine, C., Henderson, S., Oldroyd, M., Sanyer, C., Elrod, L., Handy, R., and Coombs, J. (2022). Chronic care management at South Main Clinic: A retrospective perspective. JAAPA, Dec 1;35(12):1. Abstract
- Handy, R. (2022, October). Toxicology for the Non-Toxicologist. Professional development course presented at the 39th Annual Utah Conference on Safety and Industrial Hygiene, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Handy, R. and Collingwood, S. (2022, October). Sampling Methods for the Non-Industrial Hygienist. Professional development course presented at the 39th Annual Utah Conference on Safety and Industrial Hygiene, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Lillquist, D. and Handy R. (2022, October). Ethics in Practice for the Industrial Hygiene Professional, Special session course at the 39th Annual Utah Conference on Safety and Industrial Hygiene, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Collingwood, S., Handy, R., Bulbul, A., Kim, H., and Sleeth, D. (2022, September). Environmental assessment and health protection – modern technology applied to dated tools (RERAS). Poster presented at International Society of Exposure Science (ISES), Lisbon, Portugal.
- Handy, R.G. (2022, August). Comprehensive Review of Industrial Hygiene. Lecture presented on Community Exposure, RMCOEH Continuing Education, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Handy, R. (2022, March). Nebulizer-retrofitted drone deployment at residential construction sites. Invited Webinar presentation for CPWR, Silver Springs, MD.
- Collingwood, S., Handy, R., Bulbul, A., Kim, H., and Sleeth, D. (2022, June). The Design, Development, and Piloting of a Respiratory Emergency Response Alert System (RERAS) for Remote Safety Monitoring. Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS), Washington, DC.
- Collingwood, S., Bulbul, A., Handy, R. (2020, October). Smart Respirators Pulling Respirator Technology into the 21st Century. Presentation (S. Collingwood and A. Bulbul) at the 37th Annual Utah Conference on Safety and Industrial Hygiene, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Handy, R.G. (2019, November). Electrical Hazards. Lecture presented for Workplace Safety Days, University of Utah.
- Handy, R.G. (2019, August). Comprehensive Review of Industrial Hygiene. Lecture presented on Community Exposure, RMCOEH Continuing Education, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Lake, K., Sleeth, D., Handy, R., Collingwood, S., Riches, N., and Stenberg, J. (2019, May). Characterization of Environmental Contaminants in a Frontier Community in Western Utah. Poster session presentation at American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exhibition (AIHce), Minneapolis, MN.
- Ho, A., Sleeth, D., Collingwood, S., Pahler, L., Handy, R. (2019, May). Pre- and Post Calibration Equations of Low-Cost Sensors Using a Calibration Chamber and Reference Instrument. Poster session presentation at American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exhibition (AIHce), Minneapolis, MN.
- Handy, R.G. (2019, May). Industrial Hygiene. Invited lecture presented at the Utah Environmental Health Association Spring Conference 2019, Southern Utah University, Cedar City, UT.
- Lake, K., Sleeth, D., Handy, R., Collingwood, S., Riches, N., Stenberg, J. (2019, April). Characterization of Environmental Contaminants in a Frontier Community in West Utah. Poster presentation given at the 17th Annual Regional National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Young/New Investigators Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Haggerty, L., Reischl, U., Handy, R., Sleeth, D., and Adams, K. (2019, April). The Thermodynamics of Indoor Air Pollution – A Pilot Study Emulating Traditional Kenyan Cooking Techniques. Poster presentation given at the 17th Annual Regional National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Young/New Investigators Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Ho, A., Sleeth, D., Collingwood, S., Pahler, L., and Handy, R. (2019, April). Pre- and Post-Calibration Equations of Low-Cost Sensors Using a Calibration Chamber and Reference Instrument. Poster presentation given at the 17th Annual Regional National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Young/New Investigators Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Robello, R., Webb, L., Ellis, M., Handy, R., Rock, T., Schaefer, C., Sleeth, D., and Collingwood, S. (2019, April). Descriptive Analysis of Heavy Metal Soil Presence and PM 2.5 Levels on the Wind River Reservation. Poster presentation given at the 1st Annual Education, Research, and Community Engagement Student Poster Summit, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Thomas, J., Pahler, L., Handy, R., Thiese, M., and Schaefer, C. (2019, April). Pilot Study Predicting Body Core Temperatures in Hot Work Environments Using Thermal Imagery. Poster presentation given at the 1st Annual Education, Research, and Community Engagement Student Poster Summit, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Lake, K., Sleeth, D., Handy, R., Collingwood, S., Riches, N., Stenberg, J. (2019, April). Characterization of Environmental Contaminants in a Frontier Community in West Utah. Poster presentation given at the 1st Annual Education, Research, and Community Engagement Student Poster Summit, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Haggerty, L., Reischl, U., Handy, R., Sleeth, D., and Adams, K. (2019, April). The Thermodynamics of Indoor Air Pollution – A Pilot Study Emulating Traditional Kenyan Cooking Techniques. Poster presentation given at the 1st Annual Education, Research, and Community Engagement Student Poster Summit, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Ho, A., Sleeth, D., Collingwood, S., Pahler, L., and Handy, R. (2019, April). Pre- and Post-Calibration Equations of Low-Cost Sensors Using a Calibration Chamber and Reference Instrument. Poster presentation given at the 1st Annual Education, Research, and Community Engagement Student Poster Summit, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Handy, R.G. (2109, March). Product Stewardship and Green Manufacturing. Invited lecture presented at the March meeting of the Utah chapter of the American Industrial Hygiene Association, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Whitt, M., Denton, N., Heylman, C., and Handy R. (2019, June). Lead user experiential learning – learning improvements and pathway to university, college, and community financial self-sufficiency. In Proceedings of ASEE’s 126th Annual Conference & Exposition.
- Handy, R. and Farley, C. (2018, October). DOT Hazardous Materials Transportation and Refresher. Professional development course presented at the 35th Annual Utah Conference on Safety & Industrial Hygiene, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Riches, N., Schreiber, M., Ramsay, J. Handy, R., Sleeth, D., and Perry, K. (2018, August). Modeling Transport of Windblown Soil Using HYSPLIT. Poster session presentation at ISES-ISEE 2018, Ottawa, CA.
- Handy, R.G. (2018, August). Comprehensive Review of Industrial Hygiene. Lecture presented on Community Exposure, RMCOEH Continuing Education, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Mecate, D., Handy, R., Pahler, L., Sleeth, D., and Ramsay, J. (2018, May). Temperature Inversion and Ultrafine/Near Ultrafine Particulate Matter Concentrations in the Salt Lake Valley. Poster session presentation at American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exhibition (AIHce), Philadelphia, PA.
- Cox, A., Sleeth, D., Handy, R., and Alaves, M. (2018, May). Characterization of CO and NO2 Exposures of Ice Skating Rink Maintenance Workers. Poster session presentation at American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exhibition (AIHce), Philadelphia, PA.
- Thomas, J., Pahler, L., Handy, R., and Thiese, M. (2018, May). Pilot Study Predicting Body Core Temperatures in Hot Work Environments Using Thermal Imagery. Poster session presentation at American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exhibition (AIHce), Philadelphia, PA.
- Thomas, J., Pahler, L., Handy, R., and Thiese, M. (2018, April). Pilot Study Predicting Body Core Temperatures in Hot Work Environments Using Thermal Imagery. Presentation given at the 16th Annual Regional National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Young/New Investigators Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Cox, A., Sleeth, D., Handy, R., and Alaves, M. (2018, April). Characterization of CO and NO2 Exposures of Ice Skating Rink Maintenance Workers. Presentation given at the 16th Annual Regional National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Young/New Investigators Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Cox, A., Sleeth, D., Handy, R., Thiese, M., and Lidn, G. (2018, April). Development of an Empirical Formula for Describing Human Inhalability of Airborne Particles at Low Wind Speeds and in Calm Air. Presentation given at the 16th Annual Regional National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Young/New Investigators Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Mecate, D., Handy, R., Pahler, L., Sleeth, D., and Ramsay, J. (2018, April). Temperature Inversion and Ultrafine Particulate Matter Concentrations in the Salt Lake Valley. Presentation given at the 16th Annual Regional National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Young/New Investigators Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Robison-Hanchett, C., Pahler, L., Handy, R., and Merryweather, A. (2018, April). Comparison of Dynamic Coefficient of Friction Between Normal and Slip-Resistant Footwear Using an Ankle/Foot Simulator Robot. Presentation given at the 16th Annual Regional National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Young/New Investigators Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Handy, R.G. & Linville, D. (2018, March). Industrial Hygiene Sampling. Professional development course presented at the 38th Annual Occupational Safety & Health Winter Institute, University of North Carolina OSHERC, Tampa, FL.
- Handy, R.G. (2017, August). Comprehensive Review of Industrial Hygiene. Lecture presented on Community Exposure, RMCOEH Continuing Education, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Handy, R. (2017, June). DOT Hazardous Materials Transportation and Refresher. Course prepared and delivered for RMCOEH Continuing Education, Salt Lake City, UT
- Mecate, D., Handy, R., Pahler, L., and Sleeth, D. (2017, June). Temperature Inversion and Ultrafine Particulate Matter Concentrations in the Salt Lake Valley. Poster session presentation at American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exhibition (AIHce), Seattle, WA.
- Thorsen, M., Handy, R., Thiese, M.., Sleeth, D., and Riches, N. (2017, June). A Comparison Study between Previous and Current Shoreline Concentrations of Heavy Metals at the Great Salt Lake Using Portable X-ray Fluorescence. Poster session presentation at American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exhibition (AIHce), Seattle, WA.
- Clingenpeel, S., Handy, R., Pahler, L. and Sleeth, D. (2017, June). A Comparative Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Wipe Sampling Materials to Remove Beryllium from Differently Textured Surfaces Using Zinc Oxide as a Surrogate. Poster session presentation at American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exhibition (AIHce), Seattle, WA.
- Vercellino, R., Sleeth, D., Handy, R., and Collingwood. S. (2017, June). Laboratory Evaluation of a Low-cost, Real-time, Networked Aerosol Multi-Sensor. Poster session presentation at American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exhibition (AIHce), Seattle, WA.
- Van Orman, S., Pahler, L., Handy, R., and Sleeth, D. (2017, June). Estimation of Body Core Temperatures in a Hot Work Environment Using Thermal Imagery. Poster session presentation at American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exhibition (AIHce), Seattle, WA.
- Fabian, R., Pahler, L., Handy, R., and Sleeth, D. (2017, June). Evaluation of Field Extraction Compared to Lab Extraction of Isocyanate Sampling. Poster session presentation at American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exhibition (AIHce), Seattle, WA.
- Vercellino, R., Sleeth, D.K., Handy, R., Min, K., and Collingwood, S. (2017, April). Laboratory Evaluation of a Low-cost, Real-time, Networked Aerosol Multi-Sensor. Presentation given at the 15th Annual Regional National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Young/New Investigators Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Clingenpeel, S., Handy, R., Pahler, L., and Sleeth, D. (2017, April). A Comparative Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Wipe Sampling Materials to Remove Beryllium from Differently Textured Surfaces. Presentation given at the 15th Annual Regional National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Young/New Investigators Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Handy, R.G. (2017, March). MSOH & PhD Programs in Industrial Hygiene (IH). Utah Chapter of the American Industrial Hygiene Association, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Handy, R.G. (2016, October). Thermal Stress Monitoring and Evaluation. Lecture presented at the 33rd Annual Utah Conference on Safety & Industrial Hygiene, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Handy, R.G. (2016, October). Potential Health, Safety, and Environmental Implications of Hydraulic Fracturing or “Fracking”. Lecture presented at the 33rd Annual Utah Conference on Safety & Industrial Hygiene, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Handy, R.G. (2016, August). Comprehensive Review of Industrial Hygiene. Lecture presented on Community Exposure, RMCOEH Continuing Education, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Handy, R.G. & Linville, D. (2016, July). Industrial Hygiene Sampling. Professional development course presented at the 39th Annual Occupational Safety & Health Summer Institute, University of North Carolina OSHERC, Portsmouth, VA.
- Holm, C., Pahler, L., Thiese, M., and Handy, R. (2016, May). Evaluation of Physiological Strain in Hot Work Areas using Thermal Imagery. Poster session presented at American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exhibition (AIHce), Baltimore, MD.
- Stewart, J., Sleeth, D., Handy, R., Anthony, T. and Volckens, J. (2016, May). Wind Tunnel Testing of a Disposable, Inhalable Aerosol Sampler at Two Sampling Rates. Poster session presented at American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exhibition (AIHce), Baltimore, MD.
- Holm, C., Pahler, L., Thiese, M., and Handy, R. (2016, April). Evaluation of Physiological Strain in Hot Work Areas using Thermal Imagery. Poster and presentation given at the 14th Annual Regional National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Young/New Investigators Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Arnold, Z., Pahler, L., Thiese, M., and Handy, R. (2016, April). A Pilot Study Predicting Core Temperatures of Smelter Workers with Thermal Imagery and Infrared Thermometry. Poster and presentation given at the 14th Annual Regional National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Young/New Investigators Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Shahan, A., Sleeth, D., Handy, R., and Pahler, L. (2016, April). Comparison of a New Low-Cost Inhalable Sampler and IOM Sampler for Field Testing of Metal Refinery Workers. Poster and presentation given at the 14th Annual Regional National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Young/New Investigators Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Hampton, M. & Handy, R. (2016, March). 40-Hour OSHA Compliance Refresher (HAZWOPER). Workshop presented for University of Utah ERC, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Pahler, L. & Handy, R. (2015, October). Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Workshop presented for the 32nd Annual Utah Conference on Safety & Industrial Hygiene, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Hampton, M. & Handy, R. (2015, August). 8-Hour OSHA Compliance Refresher. Workshop presented for University of Utah ERC, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Handy, R.G. (2015, March). Potential Health, Safety, and Environmental Implications of Hydraulic Fracturing or “Fracking”. Invited lecture presented at Western Kentucky University, Department of Public Health, Bowling Green, KY.
- Handy, R.G. (2014, October). Introduction to HVAC Design. Professional development course presented at UNC Charlotte Center City Campus, Charlotte, NC.
- Handy, R.G. & Linville, D. (2014, August). Industrial Hygiene Sampling. Professional development course presented at the 37th Annual Occupational Safety & Health Summer Institute, University of North Carolina OSHERC, Portsmouth, VA.
- Handy, R.G. & Linville, D. (2013, July). Industrial Hygiene Sampling. Professional development course presented at the 36th Annual Occupational Safety & Health Summer Institute, University of North Carolina OSHERC, Norfolk, VA.
- University of Utah SOM, Teaching Technology Funds - Open Range Software for IH Lab
Data Management Applications
Duration of funding: 8/21-7/24
Total amount of funding: $10,500
Role: Co-Principal Investigator - NIOSH-CDC, Incorporating Worksite Interventions in Safety and Health (IWISH): Building
Capacity for Total Worker Health
Duration of funding: 9/21 – 8/24
Total amount of funding: $1,481,427
Role: Co-Investigator - NIH-NIEHS R25, Biological Hazard Site Training in Emerging Technology (BioSTET) for
Health and Safety
Duration of funding: 9/21 – 8/26
Total amount of funding: $1,126,841
Role: Principal Investigator (Multiple PI) - Utah Division of Air Quality
USEPA Community-Scale Air Toxics Ambient Monitoring Grant, Ambient Monitoring and Health Risk Assessment of Ethylene Oxide Emissions from Major Commercial Sterilizers in Utah
Duration of funding: 5/21-4/23
Total amount of funding: $364,954 Role: Subcontract PI - Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA), PA Primary Care Training for Substance
Abuse and Mental Health
Duration of funding: 9/19 – 8/24
Total amount of funding: $1,486,271
Role: Co-Investigator - University of Utah: Emerging COVID-19/SARS CoV-2 Research Healthcare workers’ exposures
to SARS-CoV-2 and effectiveness of exposure controls
Duration of funding: 4/20 – 3/21
Total amount of funding: $25,000
Role: Co-Investigator - University of Utah Special Emphasis: Emerging COVID-19/SARS CoV-2 Research Performance
Testing of Alternative Respiratory Protection during a Pandemic
Duration of funding: 4/20 – 3/21
Total amount of funding: $25,000
Role: Co-Investigator - DFPM Health Studies Fund, The Design and Development of a Retrofitted for Respirator
Emergency Alert System (RERAS)
Duration of funding: 4/20-3/21
Total amount of funding: $7,800
Role: Co-Investigator - CPWR, Nebulizer-Retrofitted Drone Deployment at Residential Construction Site
Duration of funding: 6/20 – 5/21
Total amount of funding: $30,000
Role: Principal Investigator - DFPM Health Studies Fund, A Comparison of Perceived Competencies between Hurricane,
Utah’s Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) and Zion National Park (ZNP) First
Duration of funding: 1/20-12/20
Total amount of funding: $7,000
Role: Mentor - DFPM Health Studies Fund, A Comparison of Heat Stress Conditions Based on Kitchen
Configurations in the Full Service Restaurant Industry
Duration of funding: 4/19-3/20
Total amount of funding: $5,000
Role: Principal Investigator - NIEHS R21, Environmental Exposures of the Northern Arapaho Tribe: An Exploratory Study
Duration of funding: 7/21 – 6/23
Total amount of funding: $423,244
Role: Co-Investigator - High Plains Intermountain Center for Agricultural Health & Safety (HICAHS) - CSU,
Potential Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Exposures in Native American Communities along
the Missouri River
Duration of funding: 1/19 – 12/19
Total amount of funding: $25,000 Role: Co-PI - NIOSH-OSHERC Training Grant 2T42/OH008414
Duration of funding: 7/15 – 6/23
Total amount of funding: $8,430,000
Role: Co-Investigator and Director of IH (2/16 – 6/19) - SHTG-FY-17-01 USDOL Susan Harwood Training Grants, Hazardous Materials Handling and
Injury Prevention for Oil and Gas Workers
Duration of funding: 7/17-6/18
Total amount of funding: $148,820
Role: Principal Investigator - DFPM Health Studies Fund, The Assessment of Goshute Tribe Community Exposures to Environmental
Duration of funding: 11/17-6/18
Total amount of funding: $3,900
Role: Principal Investigator - DFPM Health Studies Fund, Temperature Inversion and Ultrafine Particle Matter Concentrations
in the Salt Lake Valley
Duration of funding: 11/16-10/17
Total amount of funding: $5,000
Role: Principal Investigator - USPCAS-W Course Mentoring Program, Occupational Health and Safety Course Development
Duration of funding: 8/16-12/17
Total amount of funding: $7,640
Role: Project personnel - PAR-15-303 NIOSH-OSHERC (T42), Targeted Research Training (TRT)
Duration of funding: 7/16-6/18
Total amount of funding: $605,000
Role: Program Director and Co-PI - PPRT NIOSH, Evaluation of Wipes for Removing Beryllium from Surfaces of Different
Duration of funding: 7/16-6/17
Total amount of funding: $4,480
Role: Mentor - PPRT NIOSH, The Development of an Airborne Contaminant Exposure Model at the Great
Salt Lake Based Upon Environmental Sampling of by Portable XRF
Duration of funding: 7/16-6/17
Total amount of funding: $4,390
Role: Mentor - DFPM Health Studies Fund, The Development of a Predictive Algorithm for Individualistic
Heat Stress Characterization and Assessment
Duration of funding: 8/15-7/16
Total amount of funding: $5,000
Role: Principal Investigator - ASHRAE Senior Undergraduate Project Grant, Solar Ejector Refrigeration System
Duration of funding: 8/15-5/16
Total amount of funding: $5,000
Role: Co-Principal Investigator - Parker Hannifin Corporation, Mechanical Device Pump Analysis
Duration of funding: 1/15-9/15
Total amount of funding: $33,000
Role: Co-Principal Investigator - U.S. Department of Energy, Residual Stress Characterization of Metals and Alloys During
Machining Processes
Duration of funding: 3/13-12/14
Total amount of funding: $100,000
Role: Principal Investigator
Running, Hiking, Guitar