Joel Hillhouse
Professor, Department of Community and Behavioral Health
Significant roles: Director, Skin Cancer Prevention Laboratory
3rd Floor, Sherrod Library
B.S. Psychology Valparaiso University;Ph.D. Clinical Psychology State University of New York at Albany
- Methods in Community Health Research
- Research Seminar
- Cultural Issues in Public Health
- Social and Behavioral Foundations in Public Health
- Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health
- Grant Development
- Disease Prevention
- Skin Cancer Prevention
- Health Promotion
- Cancer Control
- Measurement Issues
- Decision Theory
- Theoretical Models of Health Behavior
Hillhouse, J, Baker, MK, Turrisi, R, Shields, A, Stapleton, J, Jain, S, Longacre, I (In press). Evaluating a measure of tanning abuse and dependence. Archives of Dermatology.
Hillhouse, J, Turrisi, R, Jaccard, J, Robinson, J (In press). Evaluating the accuracy of self-reports of sun exposure and sun protection behavior over a summer. Prevention Science.
Abar, B. W., Turrisi, R., Hillhouse, J., Loken, E., Stapleton, J., & Gunn, H. (2010). Preventing skin cancer in college females: heterogeneous effects over time. Health Psychol, 29(6), 574-582. doi: 2010-21226-001 [pii]
Baker, M. K., Hillhouse, J. J., & Liu, X. (2010). The effect of initial indoor tanning with mother on current tanning patterns. Arch Dermatol, 146(12), 1427-1428. doi: 146/12/1427 [pii]
Robinson, J. K., Hillhouse, J., & Turrisi, R. (2010). Intentional tanning: more than one hammer needed to change behavior. Arch Dermatol, 146(9), 1029-1030. doi: 146/9/1029 [pii]
Hillhouse, J., Turrisi, R., Stapleton, J., & Robinson, J. (2010). Effect of seasonal affective disorder and pathological tanning motives on efficacy of an appearance-focused intervention to prevent skin cancer. Arch Dermatol, 146(5), 485-491. doi: 146/5/485 [pii]
Stapleton, J., Turrisi, R., Hillhouse, J., Robinson, J. K., & Abar, B. (2010). A comparison of the efficacy of an appearance-focused skin cancer intervention within indoor tanner subgroups identified by latent profile analysis. J Behav Med, 33(3), 181-190. doi: 10.1007/s10865-009-9246-z
Cafri, G., Thompson, J. K., Jacobsen, P. B., & Hillhouse, J. (2009). Investigating the role of appearance-based factors in predicting sunbathing and tanning salon use. J Behav Med. doi: 10.1007/s10865-009-9224-5
Hillhouse, J., Turrisi, R., Stapleton, J., & Robinson, J. (2008). A randomized controlled trial of an appearance-focused intervention to prevent skin cancer. Cancer, 113(11), 3257-3266. doi: 10.1002/cncr.23922
Pagoto, S. L., & Hillhouse, J. (2008). Not all tanners are created equal: implications of tanning subtypes for skin cancer prevention. Arch Dermatol, 144(11), 1505-1508. doi: 144/11/1505 [pii]
Stapleton, J., Turrisi, R., & Hillhouse, J. (2008). Peer crowd identification and indoor artificial UV tanning behavioral tendencies. J Health Psychol, 13(7), 940-945. doi: 13/7/940 [pii]
Lazovich, D., Stryker, J. E., Mayer, J. A., Hillhouse, J., Dennis, L. K., Pichon, L., . . . Thompson, K. (2008). Measuring nonsolar tanning behavior: indoor and sunless tanning. Arch Dermatol, 144(2), 225-230. doi: 144/2/225 [pii]
Cafri, G., Thompson, J. K., Roehrig, M., Rojas, A., Sperry, S., Jacobsen, P. B., & Hillhouse, J. (2008). Appearance motives to tan and not tan: evidence for validity and reliability of a new scale. Ann Behav Med, 35(2), 209-220. doi: 10.1007/s12160-008-9022-2
Hillhouse, J., Turrisi, R., & Shields, A. L. (2007). Patterns of indoor tanning use: implications for clinical interventions. Arch Dermatol, 143(12), 1530-1535. doi: 143/12/1530 [pii]
Turrisi, R., Hillhouse, J., Robinson, J. K., & Stapleton, J. (2007). Mediating variables in a parent based intervention to reduce skin cancer risk in children. J Behav Med, 30(5), 385-393. doi: 10.1007/s10865-007-9107-6
Turrisi, R., Stapleton, J., Mallett, K., & Hillhouse, J. (2006). Methods in skin cancer prevention: using a question-driven approach to guide the choice of assessment approaches. Arch Dermatol, 142(10), 1348-1350. doi: 142/10/1348 [pii]
Turrisi, R., Hillhouse, J., Robinson, J., Stapleton, J., & Adams, M. (2006). Influence of parent and child characteristics on a parent-based intervention to reduce unsafe sun practices in children 9 to 12 years old. Arch Dermatol, 142(8), 1009-1014. doi: 142/8/1009 [pii]
Hillhouse, J., Stapleton, J., & Turrisi, R. (2005). Association of frequent indoor UV tanning with seasonal affective disorder. Arch Dermatol, 141(11), 1465. doi: 141/11/1465 [pii]
Hillhouse, J., & Turrisi, R. (2005). Skin cancer risk behaviors: a conceptual framework for complex behavioral change. Arch Dermatol, 141(8), 1028-1031. doi: 141/8/1028 [pii]
Turrisi, R., Hillhouse, J., Heavin, S., Robinson, J., Adams, M., & Berry, J. (2004). Examination of the short-term efficacy of a parent-based intervention to prevent skin cancer. J Behav Med, 27(4), 393-412.
Hillhouse, J. J., & Turrisi, R. (2002). Examination of the efficacy of an appearance-focused intervention to reduce UV exposure. J Behav Med, 25(4), 395-409.
Baker, K, Hillhouse, J, Turrisi, R, Buller, D, Robinson, J, Pagoto, S (2012, April 12). Maternal Influences on Teen Tanning: Findings from a Nationally Representative Study. Poster session presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA.
Apatu, E, Isobel, J, Gregg, C, Lindell, M, Sorenson, J, Hillhouse, J, Sorenson, B (2012, February 20). The September 29, 2009 earthquake and tsunami in American Samoa: A case study of household evacuation behavior and the Protective Action Decision Model. Poster presentation at the Global Risk Forum One Health Summit 2012, Davos, Switzerland.
Khoury, A, Hillhouse, J, Seidel, A (2011, November 1). An innovative, systems-based conceptual framework of physician cancer screening decision-making. Poster session presented at American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, Washington, D.C.
Baker, K., Hillhouse, J.J., Turrisi, R., Shields, A., Stapleton, J., Jain, S., Longacre, I. (2011, June 16). Skin Cancer Prevention in Young Women: Evaluating a Measure of Pathological Tanning. Poster session presented at the Summit on Cancer in Tennessee, Franklin, TN.
Baker, K., Hillhouse, J.J. , Turrisi, R., Shields, A., Jain, S., Longacre, I. (2011, March 24). A Dual Process Model of Pathological Tanning Behavior. Poster session presented at The Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN.
Baker, K., Hillhouse, J.J., Pagoto, S., Turrisi, R. (2011, April 28). Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Evaluate Sunless Tanning. Poster session presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC.
Baker, K., Hillhouse, J.J., King, L. (2010, September 15-17). The Impact of Maternal Monitoring and Permissiveness on Indoor Tanning in High School Females. Poster session presented at the Tennessee Public Health Association Conference, Nashville, TN.
Baker, K., Hillhouse, J.J., Pagoto, S., Turrisi, R. (2010, April 8). Understanding Access and Descriptive Norms to Improve Skin Cancer Interventions. Poster session presented at The Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN.
Baker, K., Hillhouse, J.J., Pagoto, S., Turrisi, R., Skelton, K. (2010, March 18-19). Modeling Indoor & Sunless Tanning Behavior with the Theory of Planned Behavior. Poster session presented at the 20th Annual Art & Science of Health Promotion Conference, Hilton Head, SC.
Hillhouse, JJ. An Appearance-Based Intervention to Reduce Teen Skin Cancer Risk. NCI, 2010.
Hillhouse, JJ. Effects of Environmental Cues and Informal and Official Warnings on Protective Action Decision Making. NSF, 2010
Hillhouse, JJ. Evaluating Optimal Methods for UV-Risk Assessment. NCI, 2007
Hillhouse, JJ. Appearance – Focused Intervention to Prevent Skin Cancer. ACS, 2004
Backpacking /Hiking; Sea Kayaking; Primitive Technology; Woodworking; Environmental Issues; Ecopsychology; Sports; Fantasy Sports; Vegetable Gardening; Eastern Philosophy, Travel, Running