Intellectual Health
Northwestern University defines Intellectual wellness as recognizing one's creative abilities and finding ways to consistently expand knowledge and skills.
Recommended Goals for Intellectual Health
- Strive to be open to new experiences and ideas in all areas of your life
- Expand your ability to create, develop, analyze, critique, concentrate, understand, evaluate, problem solve, predict, comprehend, etc.
- Feel competent in intellectual and academic activities by improving your skills in academics, studying, time management, stress management, note taking, listening, and public speaking.
- Develop a love for learning and philosophy for “life-long learning”
- Know when to ask for help!

ETSU Medical Library- Academic Support Counseling - Dr. Jean Daniels
- Academic Honesty Pledge / Honor Code
- Learning Styles Quiz
- Test Anxiety Resources
- Study Skills
- Learning Techniques and Methods
Study Rooms
Study Rooms are available in the Student Study Center and Medical Library on a first come, first served basis.
Group study room reservations - Contact Student Affairs 423-439-2019
Facility Scheduling Campus Multimedia Classrooms
You don't have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.